The Florida Sun-Sentinel is running an ambitious and informative series on the problems associated with keeping dophins and other marine mammals in captivity for human amusement. Check it out :,0,7560258.storygallery?coll=sfla-news-miami
The issue of marine mammals in captivity is of vital importance to me. As a former employee of a marine mammal/ entertainment park, I have seen the horrible conditions that these majestic, highly intelligent, social animals are forced to exist in. For more information about the plight of marine mammals in captivity, visit the Zoocheck website :, and check out their publications and resourse materials. Zoocheck has several (free) very informative articles about captive wildlife, zoo's and aquariums, as well as the illegal capture, imporation and trade of marine mammals throughout the world. Marineland of Canada, the Vancouver Zoo among others, are documented, and the many problems associated with the captive animal industry. Also see and for information about Lolita, the orca who is a prisoner at Miami Seaquarium. To learn more about protecting dolphins, whales and the oceans: I have much more to write about this topic, so I'll be sure to come back here. I'm new to the forum...happy to be here! Peace, Dandelion
I just finished reading "The Case Against Marine Mammals in Captivity", a very good report from the Humane Society. The report debunks the strange logic behind the arguments of the captivity industry, such as the claim that they are helping people become attentive to the environment while at the same time insinuating the natural environment is a negative, dangerous place compared to the safety of tanks and aquariums. You can download the report here: You would also probably be interested in this report, examining the problems associated with "Swim With the Dolphins" programs, which are becoming more popular. I've been to both Marineland and Sea World in the past, and can attest that these places in no way approximate the natural habitats these animals should live in. Anyway, I'm glad you like the forum, come back soon.