I'm thinking about getting another computer, which I plan to use strictly offline. I need to use excel (because libre office calc blows for large spreadsheets), and therefor must have windows. I normally wouldn't trust any MS product at all, but I figure if I'm using it offline, there's a limit to how much they can fuck with me. I think that windows 10 requires you to have an account with them if you want to update the OS, so my plan is just to never update the OS. My guess is that it would likely work just fine like that, but I also wouldn't put it past MS to include a feature that will prevent you from using your computer offline after a while unless you agree to let MS put a probe up your ass
You do not need a MS account to install windows 10. You don't need internet connection either. I actually make sure the computer is NOT connected when I install any Windows OS so that it doesn't go ahead and automatically download a bunch more updates and take way longer to install. Then I delete all the MS bloatware crap, and start menu tiles, and disable windows update service before connecting to any network. If you need Windows to find drivers for any flagged hardware devices then you will need the update service enabled. If I need to do that or install updates, WHEN it's convenient for ME, I manually enable the update service and then disable it as soon as it's done. There are tutorials on how to get to computer management and disable services.