Does seam like a BI thing?

Discussion in 'Bi Sex Discussions' started by Betterelectric, Dec 14, 2022.

  1. Betterelectric

    Betterelectric Members

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    I posted a thread on the MASTURBATION forum some time ago titled " If you could...would you?" and got tremendous response. I also replied to a post about getting sucked by another guy.

    Now I have a regular GF who watches these forums with me and recommended I get others opinions.

    If I can and do give myself a BJ, and love it, and let another guy regularly give me head while she watches does that make me bi? I've never given head to anyone but myself but thought I would ask
  2. 97chevy

    97chevy Newbie

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    My advise would be to forget about the labels all together. As long as your significant other is Ok with it, who gives a crap what anyone else thinks. It's not like the straight/bi/gay label is gonna make you any money.
    GT1969, KC69, FriendlyCock and 3 others like this.
  3. Windman

    Windman Members

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    I’m with 97 Chevy on this. The labels aren’t important.
    97chevy likes this.
  4. Suburbanray

    Suburbanray Members

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    Look up the terms "mostly straight" ( also a researchers nook title) and "primarily straight" if you are interested in labels.
    I spent so much tine trying to find a label, instead of just experiencing and having fun.
    Having fun with a guy won't take away your love and desire for women. It just adds an extra dimrnsion to express yourself by experiencing pleasure. You can keep the labels with your partner, or those you play with. It's not like you have to post on Facebook, tell the world.
  5. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    There are degrees of bisexuality - kinsey1.jpg 1-5 out of1-6x are all degrees of bisexuality, Guys who are on the scall at 1 and 2 are not so inclined to want to say they are bi because they feel mostly and predominantly straight. Why would anyone be willing to expose that part of you to others and face ridicule or criticism or distrust... I think the more toward the other end of the scale a man is, the more they can say with confidence that they are bi.
    regina73, Suburbanray and RisingBi like this.
  6. straightma1e

    straightma1e Members

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    I like having sex at least ever other week (Biweekly) or more. Does that make me Bi? (Written with tongue in cheek because I loathe labeling)
    thepapasmurph likes this.
  7. thepapasmurph

    thepapasmurph Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    yet you call yourself straightma1e. tongue in cheek, for sure. but you make a good point - you don't have to label yourself and nobody else has that right to label you.
  8. Well I'm curious

    Well I'm curious Members

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    Well if you haven't been sucking guys off yet you haven't acted out on bisexuality

    I haven't been with a Man but I think I would try it for fun.

    I think bisexuality is a thing, if you go between having a male and female partner then you are likely bisexual. Label or not most things have a name to identify it.

    If you suck a guy off once in your life maybe it was experimenting. If you had a male partner for a time you are probably bisexual.for some that might be a phase and they continue on only having opposite sex partners. Not sure of they are, were or tried being bisexual.

    Noone should be labelled in a derogatory way but if you want to identify as something that's up to you. If you hookup with the same sex and opposite sex it's simple to say you are bisexual. If your girlfriend likes it great.

    It's a label but it's what you are, we can create a new term for it but it' is what it is.

    If someone meets a potential partner and they want to express to them that they are in fact bisexual I guess it's just a simple word.

    Gay men seek out Gay men I guess. It seems people want to use the term Queer to identify their sexuality as being something other than "Straight" if I can use that as a label.
    RisingBi likes this.
  9. LowHangers

    LowHangers Members

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    Just because a guy allows another guy to suck his cock does not make him gay or bisexual in my opinion. You say you can suck your own cock, great for you, that doesn't make you gay or bisexual either. I think people in general get caught up in labeling themselves and others when it's actually nobody else's business. We are all people, and we all have our likes and dislikes when it's comes to sex. I've had sex with way more men than women in my lifetime, meaning the number of men versus women I had sex with. I think the number of times I had sex with women exceeds the number of times I've had some sort of sex with another guy. I've never been a fan of "labels". If a guy enjoys sucking cock so what, if a woman enjoys eating pussy, so what. Sex is sex whether it's with a man, woman, vibrator, or dildo and if it provides you with sexual satisfaction just simply enjoy it without worrying what society thinks of it. Many people prefer to label themselves and others, myself I don't and could care less.
  10. Well I'm curious

    Well I'm curious Members

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    If you can suck yourself off that's amazing.
    Noone needs to know (but we would like to hear about it in detail)
    I'm not sure there's a label for it anyway, lucky maybe.

    If guys n girls have same sex sex it's up to them, pretty hot I think.
  11. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    OK, I'll settle this. Any man who masturbates is either bisexual or homosexual because his masturbation means that he is having sex with a man.

    So, now that no one has to worry about labels anymore, we men can all quit worrying about being called by or gay because that would include 99% of us.

    I'm making the assumption here that perhaps about 1% of men don't masturbate to any degree.
    Suburbanray and thepapasmurph like this.
  12. Wally Pitcher

    Wally Pitcher Members

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    I agree with you that all men masturbates from their first erection until they interact with females in a social setting. Most men who are attracted to other men (Face, Body, Genitalia) know very early that they are gay. Lately many men have been posting that they are not attracted to other men and would not kiss or have a romantic feelings one, but have interest in another mans penis. The interest in Glory Holes is an example of this in addition with an interest in sex with a stranger. This may originate with the aging process as most women lose interest in sex and they reach menopause. Their husbands who have sexual fantasies and are now without a willing partner, become curious about engaging in sex with another man. Some of these men act out on their fantasies and others, as Woody Allen said "Grow Tumors." I admit that I visit websites that depict homosexual behavior especially Female Impersonators and Crossdressers who engage in sex with Gay tor Straight Men. It is amazing how attractive some "Shemales" look and how a straight Male Might want to have sex with them.
    Well I'm curious likes this.
  13. Well I'm curious

    Well I'm curious Members

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    Yeah, I don't think mastubating is a gay act. If so thinking about females while you jack off is Bisexual.
    I thought masturbating is auto erotica or something..
  14. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    Sexuality has to do with sexual acts. Romantic attraction is something different. A lot of bisexual men are not bi-romantic or bi-affectionate. They just have an attraction to male genitals. They associate male genitals with pleasure.

    If you are male and you masturbate, you are engaging in sex with a male. 99% of men like to play with a cock. Some of them go on to play with cocks that are attached to a different person.

    Many guys are very defensive about being "totally straight". Any man who likes playing with a cock is not totally straight. If you were totally straight, you would only desire to stimulate the genitals of females for the purpose of procreation, right?

    Men: We're all sinners! Pee Wee Herman died for our sins at an adult book store. o_O :D
    Suburbanray likes this.
  15. Well I'm curious

    Well I'm curious Members

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    People fuck for fun not just procreation.

    Wanking is masturbation. So if a woman uses a dildo, vibrator or fingers herself is that gay? No, it's masturbation. Of she shares the experience with a Man it's sex. If she shares the experience with a female or engages in sexual activity with a female it's girl in girl sex, she could be Bi, Gay or experimenting.
    Keep doing it is past experimenting.
  16. BiGuySW

    BiGuySW Members

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    Yeah, a lot of guys really take labels seriously. Please don't take me too seriously! :)
  17. regina73

    regina73 Members

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    4- 5 here
    thepapasmurph likes this.
  18. Well I'm curious

    Well I'm curious Members

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    As long as you are doing what makes you happy keep doing it.
    If you want to suck cocks, suck cocks. I'm gonna try it.
    BiSal and regina73 like this.
  19. RisingBi

    RisingBi Members

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    In general I agree with @WellI'mCurious and others, masturbation is not a gay activity. But you make an interesting point. I have long believed that we men have a fascination and addiction to our own cocks. We like touching our cocks and jerking them off because of the pleasure that gives us, and we focus a lot of thought and feeling on its different characteristics, especially with respect to what we hear, read, or see in other men's cocks. I believe for some guys that have the bisexual gene, this is partially what leads them to admire other cocks, and that admiration moves into some kind of sexual activity with the men owning those cocks. You've always been a bisexual and now you're living it. Of course this doesn't exclude guys that just are curious, experiment, and don't like it. And of course gay guys are in a different category, though some of them perhaps began as truly bisexual men and then eventually just chose, and perhaps feel, only gay. I am certainly one who has always been in love with my own cock. It just took me a while, a long while, to finally become a fully bisexual man in every way, leaning towards the gay end.
    Well I'm curious likes this.
  20. Wally Pitcher

    Wally Pitcher Members

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    I seem to recall from an old Sociology class that I took, that as a society becomes more urban, and overpopulated, there is a tendency for men to shun sexual interaction with women in order to counter overpopulation, and seek closer interaction with other men. At the time Homosexuality was a taboo activity and colleges were not ready for open discussion on the matter. Times are much different now.
    KC69 and Well I'm curious like this.

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