Does Orgasm From Fingering Necessarily Mean Satisfaction On Women's Part?

Discussion in 'The Orgasmic Experience' started by van1van, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Does orgasm from fingering necessarily mean satisfaction on women's part?
  2. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    Finger yourself and get back to us on that.
  3. van1van

    van1van Members

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    I'm not a woman, and fingering wouldn't do a thing for me either.
  4. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    My wife and previous girlfriends all seemed to think so!
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  5. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Thanks buzzgunner, your answer is useful to me! But may I ask, how old were they? The thing is: I talked to a urologist and he said the older women prefers sex from penetration of penis. I recently had sex with a 44 years old. Hence asking.

    Also, how many orgasms did they (your wide and previous girlfriends) take to achieve the satisfaction?

    Thank you again!
  6. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Also, if you don't mind, may I send you a private message regarding some signs durign sex that I'm unable to understand? If not, it's okay! I know I'm asking for too much.
  7. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    Well, my last girlfriend was 19, but that away almost 40 years ago. My wife (of 36 years) is currently 58 and she still gets off extremely well when I finger her!
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  8. buzzgunner

    buzzgunner 180 grains of diplomacy Lifetime Supporter

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    Sure, go for it. I don't know whether or not I'll have anything to offer, but I'll do what I can.
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  9. bustybombshell73

    bustybombshell73 Members

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    Hey V, This question seem to be a bit rhetorical, If the orgasm is reached .... isnt that satisfaction ????

    But, if you are really looking for an answer, YES !!! if i have an orgasm from fingering ,,,, it is very satisfying.
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  10. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Hello bb73,

    Thanks for the reassurance. But I guess, for the moment, the question I'm asking is how many orgasms would it take for her to go home and tell herself that it was a good sex. And my sexologist told me that older women (40+, which is my case) prefer penis insertion than fingering. But I had the clear proof of her orgasm from fingering. But above, buzzgunner answered positively to it.

    So, my question was not just a momentary satisfaction from orgasm, but more like "was she satisfied enough that she'll want to do it again?" :)

    Thank you again!
  11. bustybombshell73

    bustybombshell73 Members

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    Ah, I am a 40+ woman and I love to have sex in all its forms, I do love penetration, however, orgasms from fingers or oral are just as delightful and speaking personally,
    It wouldnt necessarily be the orgasm that made me go back for more, as it would be the general experience ,,,,,,,,,

    Did she seem happy when she was leaving ????

    like everything else in life ,,,, quality over quantity ......

    was it an earth shattering orgasm ????
    was she a wet quivering shaking mess ????
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  12. van1van

    van1van Members

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    See, you're really asking the important questions here! Well, the night before, I cooked for her, which she watched me do, she said she liked it, but except the meat was not too soft. But we were busy holding onto each other, so I couldn't pay full attention :)

    Apart from the foreplay, we spent lots of intimate moments, like holding each others close. I'd not say it was earth shattering. But after that orgasm from fingering, I could see the liquid dripping from her vagina, which I cleaned.

    When she was leaving,(after the breakfast I gave her and talking about her professional life a bit), she hugged me and then kissed me on my mouth. She smiles from time to time, so can't particuarly say how happy she was. I asked her "So may be I'll call you sometime?" She:"Yes. Okay!" So giving a gap of one day, I texted her (yesterday) saying whether we could talk this evening. She: "I'm going out tonight, so not possible. But we can talk tomorrow?". That tomorrow is today.

    If someone is not satisfied, wouldn't she have ignored it?

    What do you think? You can be positive, neutral or negative. Thanks!!!
  13. bustybombshell73

    bustybombshell73 Members

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    Apart from the foreplay, we spent lots of intimate moments, like holding each others close. I'd not say it was earth shattering. But after that orgasm from fingering, I could see the liquid dripping from her vagina, which I cleaned.

    So may be I'll call you sometime?" She:"Yes. Okay!" So giving a gap of one day, I texted her (yesterday) saying whether we could talk this evening. She: "I'm going out tonight, so not possible. But we can talk tomorrow?". That tomorrow is today.

    Okay, so may i be so bold as to ask ,!!!!! why didnt you have penetrative sex ????

    You should text her / call her today and of she puts you off again i would let it go ....

    BUT ............... you are right ,,,,,,,,,,, she could easy have ignored the text if she really wasnt interested .................
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  14. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Please do ask! We did have penetrative sex once, in the early morning, for 4 minutes I'd guess, or slightly more. She seemed to like it. The reason I didn't have it before, was I didn't get hard enough (I've already consulted my sexologist for it). However, in the morning, I did, and we did it. She was lifting her legs to make it vary and I held them to make it effective. Afterwards, I asked her "was it good?". She "hmmm" with a smile and eyes semi-closed. Me "Did you cum?" She (with a small laugh) "Stop asking questions". So she did NOT cum from the penetration? Right?

    Yes, I'm giving her a call in the evening today. Pray for me!
  15. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Also: she waited 4 hours to text me back. So on the positive side, I was thinking: she could have just ignored it if she wanted to. Why texting back after 4 hours?
  16. bustybombshell73

    bustybombshell73 Members

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    Rule number 1 ,,,, if you have to ask had she an orgasm ............... She most likely didn't

    Please do not ask ,,,,

    Lots of women do not orgasm from penetrative sex, a lot of women need clitoral stimulation to cum,
    I wouldnt worry too much about that ,,,

    Also, to reassure you, if i like a guy and the sex isnt great first go out, I would always give him a second chance,
    Mostly because the first time with anyone can be a bit awkward and often isnt earth shattering

    If she goes out with you again,,, try talking about sex before you end up doing it ,,,,,,
    ask her what she likes and more importantly ,,, what she doesnt ,,,
    Try and relax and enjoy yourself ,,,,, chances are if you are enjoying it ,,, so is she ,,,

    good luck with your call

    i would be interested to know how you get on

    :D :D :D
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  17. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Thank you so much for your tips and wishes! But sometimes women don't wanna be so verbal about what they like/dislike. The last girl before this told me that she didn't want to talk about things, but rather just do it. I DID enjoy the whole time! We cuddled a lot too.

    I can assure you one thing: I try to do everything without crossing any limit to make the date better for women. I cooked, when she was coughing, I offered her medicine. I tried to give her good time in bed. And this was (kind of) the second date. Two days after meeting her, we went out. Took a long walk, came back and and had dinner and drinks. I paid for her drinks. When I invited her for a dinner at my place, and asked her whether this could be a date, she said yes. Then we made out. That was two days before the sex happened.

    I'm keeping my fingers crosses and praying!
  18. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Also, this is happening in France, with a French lady.
  19. van1van

    van1van Members

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    Rule number 1 ,,,, if you have to ask had she an orgasm ............... She most likely didn't

    I saw the juice dripping from her vagina, could be half of a tablespoon. Does this mean she had an orgasm?
  20. Pieceofmyheart

    Pieceofmyheart Grumpy old bitch HipForums Supporter

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    No Urologist told you that son. C'mon now....

    I see you deleted your thread detailing your sexual experience with this woman because ya didn't like the replies you got.
    You admitted going limp after 3 or 4 minutes during are you trying to find out of a woman can be satisfied with sex but no intercourse.

    Is that right?

    If so...yes, women can be satisfied and you can have sex without intercourse. Try researching (on the net) women's anatomy.
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