I wouldn't show that video to anyone looking to try LSD as being representative of the experience, however some of the monologue and visuals have a poetic style that is slightly reminiscent of an LSD trip.
Are halusinations as strong as in the video? Do you see those when your eyes are open? I mean when you are awake or when you walk around?
You don't hallucinate like that. In the sense that 99% of what you're looking at is normal, but a particular chair is floating, for example. Rather there is a change to 100% of what you are seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, and feeling. I have never seen a video that can reproduce it well. On a lower dose it might be like this: http://i.imgur.com/ardsm.jpg On a much higher dose it might be like this: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/infogram-particles-700/wisemanaa1354779532.jpg Also nobody would take lsd and just sit in a dark creepy room staring at a chair . . . the trip lasts 8-12 hours and you'd be bored real quick. It's not much to look at. The video aims at being "creepy", but the overall tone of LSD is more akin to "holy", "beautiful", "stunning", than "creepy". This is what a typical scene has looked like for me on a good lsd trip in a good set and setting.
Objects can distort forms and color hues can shift, which I think the video capture and perhaps objects may even take on an anthropomorphic type quality, like the face in the wall in that video. You most likely will not see a chair levitate in the middle of the room nor the wall completely split into 2 like that video. I viewed the aspect of the wall breaking apart as more symbolic of the deconstruction of thoughts while on LSD. The video fades in and and out too which I don't really experience with visuals on acid, however there can be somewhat rapid attention shifts to vdifferent visuals and thoughts.
What you "believe' and how you interface with "the world", will be tested and re-tested and in many cases will be seen as ridiculous behavior on your part. This is where the learning part of a trip WILL OR MAY be of great value. The visuals can be stunning, frightening or delightful depending on set, setting, experienced guide included or not and above all---that which is contained in your subconscious that manifests, whether you like it or not! For example in your case atsiza, if you happen to ingest some REAL LSD, I believe your attitude, leavened by where you are and what would be discovered IN YOU, and by you regarding the fair sex, will sort itself out with outcome unknown. Could be very bad--could be very good for you. In my case--it jerked my head around concerning alcohol, which in itself MAY not be deleterious to ones existence--but in my case, it was excellent that I stopped drinking immediately upon taking my first hit at the ripe age of 28. Road to ruin interrupted.