Does Homer Simpson Get Stupider Every Year?

Discussion in 'TV' started by Jimbee68, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Jimbee68

    Jimbee68 Member

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    "Professor Lawrence Pierce of the University of Chicago writes: 'I think Homer gets stupider every year'. That's not a question, professor. But we'll let the viewers judge for themselves."

    —The Simpsons 138th Episode Spectacular,
    Troy McClure,
    Season 7, Episode 10,
    Original air date: December 3, 1995.

    "Hello, my name is Mr. Burns. I believe you have a letter for me."
    "Okay, Mr. Burns. Uh, what's your first name?"
    "I don't know..."

    —Blood Feud,
    Homer Simpson and Postal Clerk,
    Season 2, Episode 22,
    Original air date: July 11, 1991.

    "Hey, guys. Look what I smuggled aboard! [displays a bag of potato chips]"
    "Homer, no!"
    "They'll clog the instruments!"
    "Careful! They're ruffled!"

    —Deep Space Homer,
    Homer Simpson, Buzz Aldrin and Race Banyon,
    Season 5, Episode 15,
    Original air date: February 24, 1994.

    "Oh, there's so much I don't know about astrophysics! I wish I read that book by that wheelchair guy."

    —Treehouse of Horror VI,
    Homer Simpson,
    Season 7, Episode 6,
    Original air date: October 29, 1995.

    "Marge, that's the Rhinestone Nights Fashion gun! I need it to rhinestone up my old clothing."
    "[looks at his dungaree jacket] Who's 'Disco Stu'?"
    "Oh. Well, I wanted to write 'Disco Stud'. But I ran out of space."

    —Two Bad Neighbors,
    Homer and Marge Simpson,
    Season 7, Episode 13,
    Original air date: January 14, 1996.

    "Have you ever seen such exquisite ushabtis?"
    "Uh, not 'this' exquisite."

    —Lost Our Lisa,
    Lisa and Homer Simpson,
    Season 9, Episode 24,
    Original air date: May 10, 1998.
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Don't we all, after a few years on HF.? :)

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