Does God want us to judge him? I think that God wants us to judge him. We are to emulate Jesus. Jesus judged God and found him wanting. Upon taking the judgement seat, Jesus indicated that it was time to retire Yahweh. Jesus saw Yahweh as no longer fit to rule over or judge man. Man had in essence graduated to his rightful place as the judge of all the Gods. Christians, who are told by their own scriptures to judge righteously, are not doing so when it comes to Yahweh. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 Test all things; hold fast what is good. Yahweh is quite a vile God. It is no wonder that Yahweh does not show his face around Christians. They would kill him. Jesus did say that he came to bring War. Perhaps he meant war against God, which would be following Jewish tradition. If God wants us to judge him, why do most Christians not judge God in a righteous and moral manner? Place no God above me, means that God wants us to judge all the Gods, including himself, to insure he is the best of the best. How else could we know that Yahweh was the best God to follow? Do you agree, or are we not supposed to judge God? Regards DL
no way of knowing the answer to the thread title question, but it is our intrinsic nature to question all things. it is also, often irresponsible to fail to. truth doesn't come from a word. it is what is there, that all things and only themselves are the only authority on. but what is meant here by judging god? god is the unknown. judging what people tell each other to pretend to know about the unknown, is not judging the unknown, but judging people telling each other to, and what it is that they do. there is nothing to prevent billions of well meaning self awareness that are greater then ourselves from existing. there is nothing to compel them in any way to resemble what people tell each other to pretend. all of the founders of all of the major religions may have been chosen by the same god to channel that god, to the people of their time and place, but every book that is written, every word that is spoken, is that of an ordinary mortal person, and has no more intrinsic authority then that of any other. i'm sorry, but no book is the living will of anything. perhaps every thousand years revelation is renewed, with mohammid and baha'u'llah, each in sequence being the more recent updates then that of christ, but even this, each seeker can only discover in their own hearts for themselves. many and diverse are the paths to this sense of connectedness with the unknown. we can say god, but all we know we are saying, is that ancient scribes used "god" as an abreviation for "good". a billion gods could exist, but there is no ligitimately objective basis for any claims to knowledge about them. only probabilities that can be deduced, with no objective certainty. and there are certainly more direct and immediate concerns for all living things: logic, consideration, honesty and imagination, create a living paradise when loved, and a living hell when hated. and that, regardless of all questions concerning the will or doings, of such beings, of whatever number or nature, may be greater then ourselves.
I find that amusing, the idea that humans have graduated to the extent of being in a position to judge the alleged all-loving creator of the universe. I don't think so. Judge God? You can't even define God. You can judge the God of scripture, I suppose, but how much does that have to do with the actual nature of the universe? My guess is not very much at all. The last thing humans need to be is more judgmental. Or if we're going to judge anyone, judge ourselves. Westerners have it pretty easy. We don't live in war torn countries. Put your average caucasian in Nazi Germany in the 30s and see how well he holds up, despite however liberal he/she espouses themselves to be. People should probably just talk less.
Satan was cast into earth as a prison, this is hell and we are already living in hell, that's why life is annoying. All the bothersome things people do is because we are living in hell.
Thanks for your well thought out post. I cannot agree with the quote I picked because I see religions as one of the main factors today that cause a lot of harm to society with their homophobic and misogynous ways. They are based on lies and fraud and a blight on our world, yet many respect them by ignoring their moral sense. Regards DL
No argument on most of what you put. Judging God is judging ourselves. If your neighbor is following a genocidal son murdering God, you have to wonder what other kind of immorality he is capable of. In the past, and even today, the answer is inquisitions and jihads, homophobia amd mmisogyny. Regards DL
So God put us in hell, without a just cause. Interesting. Care to expand on the immorality and reason for that? Regards DL
I see that you have judged God as wanting respect. Have you judged his character as well? As to our learning what to respect. I agree. Many should learn what decent moral thinking is as well. I wonder if you are on that list. Let's see. Should all genocidal Gods and people be respected? Regards DL
You sound like a stuck record player. You say the same thing over and over and over in every thread. Genocidal, son murdering, imoral, inquisition, homophobia.......... Why start a new thread when you are just going to talk about the same things again?
I chat on many topics that spark my interest. What worse evil is there in religions and why would I want to chat of minor things while the major ones are being ignore by immoral Christians who continue to discriminate against half of the worlds population? I am here for harm reduction in society. Why are you here? Regards DL
You can do here whatever you want, who am I to judge you? My point is you start a thread but talk about the same stuff all the time, so what is the point in starting a new thread? The reason I'm here is to learn different things, be it from political views to religion. That is the reason I read your threads, it is to get as better understanding of the Gnostic beliefs the same as I do with other religions. If you are the example of Gnostic religion, then all I see is that it makes you an arrogant hatred filled person. Or are you an extremist as you get in Islam as well? To me one of the main points of Christianity is to have love and compassion to your fellow man. If I look at that on the one hand and your hatred on the other, then I can't see how Gnosticism could be better for myself or anyone else. You say you are here for harm reduction to society. How are you planning on doing that, with hatred towards your fellow man? You have never once enlightened/taught us on what it is about Gnosticism that would make me sit and think differently. To answer your original question, I think we should first judge ourselves in what we think and do in our everyday lives before we can consider judging God.
God wants everybody... to go to church, except me. So I that I... can get some peace and quiet. He says that I... Can worship him.. In any.. Way.. I hope somebody gets it.
Depending on the reply from repetitious Christian thumpers who hide behind faith instead of speaking to the morals of the issues I raise, sure, I also have to be repetitious. If you have not notices how fast Christians run from moral issues, you have not been looking. Point by point. I am here to learn, teach and preach. If you want to know anything of Gnostic Christianity all you have to do is ask. I am indeed an extremist and fundamental to Gnostic Christianity. Why not given that it's ideology is the best all encompassing one that I have found? I chose it. It was not, like almost all theists, chosen for me by tradition or location of birth. You are correct that I an hate filled for the evil religions like Christianity and Islam because of all the harm they continue to do, again repeating myself, with their homophobic and misogynous teachings. Get used to that line as you should be adopting it if you are a moral man. Hate is born from love, as you should know and I love my fellow man a lot and so hate a lot against what would harm needlessly and without a just cause. You want me to hide my hate while I say that you are not a moral man if you do not show yours against evil. Tell me, as I fight the low key inquisition that Christians have against women and gays, which religion you think shows the most love for everyone? Remember that Gnostic Christianity is a universalist creed that has no hell and only a heaven, while Christianity says that the vast majority of us end in hell while only a few take that narrow path to heaven. Which ideology do you think superior or your word, better? We begin by living by this adage. For evil to grow, all good people need do is nothing. Do you? The mainstream religions do a lot of harm with their homophobia and misogyny. What are you doing to fight those evils other than criticize me for fighting and hating evil? A perfect answer. Now judge yourself according to what I just put. Regards DL
Indeed. Force it with good arguments instead of dead dogshit religious dogma. That is a better way to convert than inquisitions and jihads which is all Christianity and Islam ever had. Which method do you think is more moral? Regards DL
u are gods mirror reflection.. only the 3rd one back mirror to mirror .. can you see yourself?. .. act appropriately..