does god exist?

Discussion in 'The Hip Polls' started by smackjack, Jun 4, 2007.

  1. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    what is not known is not known. nothing has to be known in order to exist. ergo a god could exist. even billions of them.
    what is not known also owes nothing to what humans tell each other to pretend about it.

    what is known, is that the universe we live in, is almost entirely mineral, and thus unlikely to have been created as a stage prop for species human, or even with life in mind.

    what i personally feel exists, is one or more, self aware being, who are neither physical nor imaginary, who are outside of, unrelated, and owe nothing to, any known faith or belief, neither as its object, nor as its opposition.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2022
  2. nettleEater

    nettleEater Newbie

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    Life always has constraining rules.
  3. Forever Edger

    Forever Edger Senior Member

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    I believe in a Creator, but my cosmology may not fit traditional concepts.
    The Creator is an unknown, will always be an unknown, and if the Creator sat across you at a cafe, you would not understand what you were seeing. The Creator is the big incomprehension.
    According to Tarot of Ceremonial Magick, by Lon Milo DuQuette, you have 1, "the Absolute", and a second condition needs to be created, "(One and Its reflection)." When "Self" is created immediately the concept "of what It is not" and all of this occurs before the Big Bang, and it does not explain from where 1, the Absolute, came from. This is all Kabalistic material.
    Infinity goes outward and inward thus infinity is an impossible concept for man to fathom. From that infinity, the Absolute manifests. From where the Absolute comes from is an unknown.
    The Big Bang, Creation, temperatures in the Kevlin ranges, yet when the "start button" was pushed, randomness occurred. Everthing that the Universe needed was in a super dense marble, the Absolute. Thus after Creation, the Creator no longer had control of the program which unfolded. So I am puzzled when I hear people consider natural disasters as "punishment from God". Those disasters are part of the universal randomness.
    Order and mathematics shows themselves in a constructed universe, a clue of a divine intelligence. Creation at high temperatures and creation at 98.6 (or other temperatures sustaining life) is exactly the same.
    There is a Creator with infinite love but that love is also incomprehensible to man. Mankind can approach it, through ceremony and prayer, it exists.
    Yet the Creator will always remain as the Great Mysterious.
    Our only path to glimpse It's power is through ceremony and prayer.
  4. Totally Yoda

    Totally Yoda Members

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    I don't believe there is a God. I do believe there is a higher power.
  5. Alice in SC

    Alice in SC Senior Member

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    Yes! Thanks!
  6. Sallymae

    Sallymae Members

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    My two cents, which are worth much less, YES. There is a life force or God whose design or image we were built in. While the case for the existence of God is a circumstantial case, a very strong circumstantial case.

    I look at it this way, on a scale of 0-100, with 0 being absolute evidence that God does not exist and 100 being absolute certainty in His existence. - Anyone at 51% or more believes there is a God - but we just don't understand Him. Now. it's fashionable to say "I don't believe in God." Why? Because it was fashionable to say" I do believe in God" in years past. No other reason. We have no more or less evidence of His existence. So, take out the "I'm more evolved than you" argument, and many more people fall in the over 51+% category. So, first, we have the "social intelligence" argument falling on the I believe side.

    Then we move on to #2 - the "don't you believe in evolution?" argument. Well, they are not mutually exclusive as the statement of the argument demands you to believe. Why is evolution not able to explain how life began, or for that matter, how anything began? It only explains the evolution of life after its origination; not its origination. How did life originate? How did it begin? What was the origination? No science has answered that question. Evolution and God are not mutually exclusive. You can believe in both. It's a false argument. Advantage, I believe.

    Next, let's look at the DNA Genome code. The final popular argument is "The DNA Genome proves it's science, not God, that explains life." Translated, they are saying "it's all just a random set of coincidences that created life." I would argue, as many other scientists have, that the DNA Genome proves the opposite. It is anything but random. The DNA genome - is elegant, it is purposeful, it is logical, it is evidence of design. If it were random: it would be random. It would be illogical. Yet it is anything but illogical. It is beautiful. The DNA genome is evidence of a design that is logical. And logic is a language only humans can comprehend. Only we can identify and understand the logic of the design. The Creator of The DNA Genome must understand logic, the same language we understand. Or, maybe we speak in His language. Therefore, we must be made in His image. Conclusion, I believe.

    So for me, these two pieces of evidence - 1. the existence of life demands a Life-Source, and 2. the existence of an extremely complex and logical code in the make-up of that life (DNA) - is enough evidence to convince me that there is some force or God from which it originates. And, in my view, pushes any logical being at least to a reasonable doubt or into the 51%, I believe, group.
  7. Sallymae

    Sallymae Members

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    So, If I understand this, the Bible (which has survived thousands of years and been read and believed by millions) was written by meth-heads, is full of half-truths and is hateful but here's a website that explains everything. Ok.
  8. Sallymae

    Sallymae Members

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    I would say that the existence of life is the evidence of a God or life force. The existence of life demands that there is an origination and therefore, an originator. If evolution explains how life evolved and DNA explains how it is sustained, the question that has no answer is, how did it begin? Does that not justify the belief that it did begin and there is an originator and more than 0% probability of God's existence?
  9. Magicalmoments

    Magicalmoments Members

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    In answer to the original question. No

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