Hi, all. My first thread here, it was kind of why I joined the forum in the first place actually. I have a neurological condition that has caused damaged my nervous system and caused muscle wastage to my shoulder. I am still seeing doctors about it, I have an appointment today strangely enough... My question is, if I was to travel to Peru next year and embark on my first experience would the molecule have any negative effects affiliating to my condition or would that depend on how I handle the drug and my mindset? I feel I am psychologically ready, I just need to know if there is any instant physical firewalls having my condition and taking this magic? Replies are appreciated, thank you in advance.
There have been seizure-like effects reported with 5-meo-DMT. It seems far less common with DMT but It's probably in the realm of possibilty. Some people go on the verge of blacking out on DMT too, particularly high doses. With that said, DMT is fairly safe when used responsibly. I'd reccommend getting your condition diagnosed tho.
Thank you. I have been diagnosed today, neuralgic amyotrophy. I am still young and it is rare for me to have this condition as it only occurs in adults in their 30s-40s but the doctors tell me I just need to keep doing physiotherapy as I am young, I have a much better chance of recovery. Waiting on blood tests results now, genetic ones which I wont get the results for until my next appointment in 4-5 months. I think I will be ok.
DMT is a pretty safe chemical. Your body produces it anyway so I doubt it is anything it could not handle.
This is true that your body does produce DMT, however in normal metabolism DMT is prevented from crossing the blood-brain barrier, hence why they use MAOI containing herbs for ayahuasca. There are other drug related conditions such as serotonin syndrome which exemplify how altering the levels of a chemical produced in vivo can potentially be dangerous. I wouldn't make many assumptions regarding it's safety based on the fact that DMT is produced naturally.
the problem you have sounds like peripheral nerve damage, DMT acts on the mind in the central nervous system (the brain) i would think it should be pretty safe, but in doubt ask a real neurologist
I think this is the best thing to do, the next time I see my specialist I will just straight up ask him. Thanks for all the replies, guys.
What is the neurological disorder? Serotonin Syndrome is the only real danger I could think of off the top of my head. Since you're going to know more about your disorder than any of us, I'd suggest just seeing what receptors DMT plays off of, and act accordingly. Even ask your doctor, it's fine you know I ask my doctor about marijuana and psychedelics
guerillabedlam, you are quite wrong there. DMT goes straight through the blood brain barrier, that's not the reason for the MAO inhibitor, that has to do with stopping it from being destroyed in your stomach. If injected you wouldn't need the MAOI. Or at least I'm 99.5% sure that's the case
I think you may be confused by the phrase I used in saying 'natural metabolism' which was an attempt to simplify things in laymen terms. Essentially this meant oral DMT, which is broken down before reaching the blood brain barrier, hence the need for an MAOI in Ayahuasca to inhibit this process of the stomach breaking down DMT to allow it to reach the brain, when taken orally. I think It goes without saying, injection like smoking/vaping bypass first pass metabolism and therefore don't need an MAOI.