Ok so continued to pump after I stopped breasting feed because I loved the feeling of a guy drinking my milk during sex or even just them milking my engorged breast by hand and my milk spraying all over them I love the feel of release and the sound of them gulping it down it's erotic to me it was an accidental discovery that it turned me on so much.Just wondering if I am alone in this girls or guys answers please
Sounds fine to me. I never tried it , but sounds pretty tame compared to what some people do. I suppose I would--but who in the fuck wants to breastfeed a 76 year old!?!?!?
I used to suck my own tits when I was preg and breastfeeding. I loved it, and would have preferred to keep it going. However hubby wasnt into it, and I wasn't about to keep pumping that often to keep the volume up. Actually if you breastfeed for a long time like I did, 20 months, then it takes a few years before it is completely dried up anyway. I could suck my own tits and at least get a taste.
If you could suck your own tits while you were breastfeeding, then they must be sagging something nasty by now.
That was uncalled for. I could reach mine. But I had, you know a baby nursing. I'm also not small in endowment. Dammit.
Yes. It's a great snapshot of a time and carried on past its immediacy. It could be rewritten as rural v urban today, with urban families moving to the rural areas for housing and schools and say similar things.
I sincerely apologize. When I made the comment, I knew it was inappropriate. I was trying to feel the random OP, not offend a member of the HF family.
Was my post describing the Grapes of Wrath and mentioning some other Steinbeck novels so offensive to someone, that it had to be taken down??? If that is the case--I would appreciate whomever TOOK IT DOWN ---TO EXPLAIN THEMSELVES. I lived that era. I went to school with the last of what was and IS--CALLED THE OKIE MIGRATION. I went to school with many, many so-called okies and was friends with many. kids. It wasn't only Oklahoma that was so bad--dust storms and such--hell--look it up. Arkansas and residents of several other states were involved. By the way--in my home town, about a third of the residents in and around the area are Portuguese. Most of the rest were like me--American mongrels. We were okies and they were portagees, which is what they called themselves, even as we called ouselves okies. Okie married a portagee, had kids --they were pokies. All in good fun---not predudicial at all. Far from it.
I don't see a hidden post in this thread. Where was your post? Sure the system actually posted it? I've had a few disappear into the ether.
Given the title of the thread, if your reply was taken offensively, then they should not have been in this thread. Considering some of these threads your reply was actually witty and funny. Gosh people, stay out of areas that offend you even the slightest. Maybe this forum should have a safe zone. Ash, your apology is unwarranted.