I'm wondering why fantasy artists put antlers on females who are supposed to be part woman and part deer. I see this fairly often.
Similar to Louis Royo artwork, is all very abstract and dark and mysterious. He draws gorgeous women being dominated by beasts and demons. I'm not too sure why. I just assume it's what's in their heads. Similar to women with angel wings I'd consider angels to be a favorite topic for the artist, perhaps fantasy artists envision antler headed women? After all it's still fantasy, exactly what the genre implies. Personally I could see myself with a pair of antlers. Sure it would be an adjustment of sorts, but I could totally see myself bucking heads with people.
Thought I am curious because I don't think I've ever really seen any antler women. Upload some pics please. Last horned girl picture I seen was in a Cradle of Filth cd cover. :d
I like the second last one. =] it's pretty cool. Sometimes I think the best looking animal is a deer at attention tbh.
I guess the human half is female and the deer half is male. lol I see these pics and I'm like "Damn it people! Females do no have antlers!". Then, I feel bad like I'm allowing them to be gender fluid. lol
Yeah I never looked at a gender perspective. Though the doe can form a small bump of an antler hehe. I think they're cute. N'aww