Does Adam hate God?

Discussion in 'Christianity' started by Anaximenes, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    The official Biblical attitude explains how Love should be. Really. I can't accept the part that Adam before the temptation at Eve (to consume the fruit of knowledge) stipulates that she understand for the threat of terror and unresolvable fear to just avoid that one thing, that One Man. It didn't matter to what they could reason in Her guilt or even His own guilt how the trust in the community of Eden was to be concerned. We accept the higher authority of love to be evident to any and all perceivers.

    Then the banishment. But Adam is aware in an absolute sense that he fails for the lack of following authority. What such ideal could transfer the authority of God upon love to Him suddenly. We'd swear it would be Satan, but really Adam himself is absolutely sanely certain that he caused the whole trust in the temptation having been done. Eve suddenly knows the external Cause for the whole affair. Adam just gets his pats on his back from his fellow organizers of the new struggle. God didn't matter to this disclosure of prophecy (maybe in enlightenment that Knowledge was progressive for everyone). Adam chooses prophecy because he was conscience Himself.

    Really? Nature should have to do with anybody's Conscience. It is only just. So maybe Adam is still hiding Nature from his heart. That could even be determined in modern progressive values that Science is never quite truly in agreement with what nature truly is for the mores of good and right action in relation to good and right awareness of the difficulties.

    But Adam hates God as surely as he cannot love nature in all it's frustrating indeterminations for Goals to accomplish. Adam eventually got to know that his goal was hidden from him as much as His guilt was for accepting that bribe from Satan, perhaps that comment by God that Life was to be a perfect goaled Action. This is because these planned actions through life didn't have any connection with paradise. That was either a fairy tale for God's, the creator's, justification that we can't handle the ever for selfish beliefs, believing unselfishly that Love is all we needed.

    Adam loves and continued to love Eve, not God. The duty to love God has many theories in various societies, but the in the truth of allness the ideal that give common certainty to the concern for goaledness is just constant psychoanalysis of One's guilt. Man can be 'satanic' this way. But as I said here earlier satan is also only only an explanation for a bribing guilt; Adam now claims: " Come on; I knew that all along.":scholar:
  2. Chodpa

    Chodpa Senior Member

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    how can you waste your mind deliberating over fantasies as if they have some objective reality?
  3. OlderWaterBrother

    OlderWaterBrother May you drink deeply Lifetime Supporter

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    Adam neither loves or hates God.

    Adam is dead and is conscious of nothing.
  4. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    What is first man adam and last man adam? Err and how many dead people do you know?
  5. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    What hate? We are prodigal and fear that we wasted our value.
  6. OlderWaterBrother

    OlderWaterBrother May you drink deeply Lifetime Supporter

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    Acording to the Bible the first Adam was Adam and the last Adam was Jesus.

    Well I know of many dead people but saying that you know dead people is a little like saying you know rocks.
  7. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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  8. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Banned

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  9. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    The fantasies you see are yours. You confuse symbolic language for which you have no taste with our conversation about our experiential conjugations. How come you waste your time denying thought?
  10. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Banned

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    Why do you waste your time believing every inane thought that flits through your mind should be a golden rule?
  11. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    Why would you believe i am not selective in the thoughts I entertain. Dissemble what I say, not what you believe about my intents. If I say something matter of factly, challenge the fact if you think it is erroneous.
  12. OlderWaterBrother

    OlderWaterBrother May you drink deeply Lifetime Supporter

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    Yes Adam is dead but he did not take his sin with him but passed it on to his offspring, that is why we need the second "Adam".

    Once again you wander off into space, where no one has gone before, write if you find work. [​IMG]
  13. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    How does his deed pass on to his offspring?

    Didn't your parents tell you the story of your birth? if so, you went there before me. I am working on all cylinders. Don't you understand that spirit is breath, our only living substance.
    God breathed into the body to make a living being. The body does not take life unto itself.
  14. OlderWaterBrother

    OlderWaterBrother May you drink deeply Lifetime Supporter

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    Who gave you life? Was it not your parents and where did they get their life? From their parents. Life is thus passed from one generation to the next.

    Adam received perfect life from his Father, God and if he had not sinned he would have passed perfect life to his children. Having sinned he was no longer perfect and no longer was in possession of perfect life to pass to his children and so he passed imperfect life to his children because that is all he had to give them. So the life that has been passed from generation to generation, has been imperfect life and results in sin and death being passed from one generation to the next. Thus the DEED that made him imperfect is passed on to his offspring.
    Only if you were born before me.
    Well, I guess that's a matter of opinion.
    Well the two words Ru′ach and pneu′ma basically mean “breath” but they have extended meanings beyond that basic sense. But as for it being our only living substance, it would seem that food and water also keep us alive, although the breath of life is the last thing to leave us when we die.
  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Why, I don't get this question. It's easy, and (can be) fun and intriguing. Should there always be some higher goal in order to ponder things like this?
  16. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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    Exactly, Adam's first knowledge was the desire to know God, as much as maybe be God. The trouble is the amazing thing is that 'God' was primarily the concern of trust in the community He was to for the off-spring he would create, in a sense already have created by God, Jehovah, outside him. Adam was in the midst of the community by Jehovah.

    So He must understand how there is trust in such a community. Hating God could mean Adam: trusts Jehovah over anything in his God forsaken community.:2thumbsup:
  17. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Banned

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    Not at all. So long as the person pondering it realizes it is just as fictitious as discussing Harry Potter or sparkling vampires.
  18. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Why? Because otherwise it might annoy you? :p
  19. Maelstrom

    Maelstrom Banned

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    Because it would be logical.
  20. OlderWaterBrother

    OlderWaterBrother May you drink deeply Lifetime Supporter

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    I agree with you, I mean who's to say whether something has some objective reality or not? In fact the mind deliberating over fantasies can of itself have objective reality. :)

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