
Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Pressed_Rat, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    The lot of them I have no respect for at all. I have been looking for a good doctor, because I like to have blood work done every now and then, and if I am forced by a tyrannical government to pay for something I don't really want or need (or pay a huge penalty for not doing so), I'd like to visit an OPEN-MINDED doctor for a basic checkup every now and then. But so many of them are arrogant and know absolutely NOTHING about proper nutrition and diet. This could be why I see so many FAT doctors these days, who I would never think to trust with my health. It's a pretty well established fact that most doctors have little, if any, educational background in nutrition. Most doctors only know how to diagnose and treat illnesses and medical conditions -- many of which, ironically, are directly related to poor diet -- with expensive, unnecessary drugs and surgery, which often do more harm than good. People give doctors way too much credit and place too much trust in them simply because they're doctors. Meanwhile, nobody has a clue about how much of the medical curriculum taught in universities, as well as the studies published in prominent medical journals, is funded with money from drug companies that benefit from keeping the public sick and unhealthy. I am not trying to poo poo all doctors, because I am sure there are a few good ones, but good doctors who have an enlightened approach to health are few and far between. Doctors have been given far too much prestige when they don't really deserve it.
  2. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    I don't have a family Dr. I haven't since I was in high school. I go to the chiropractor for everything and go the more holistic route. So far I haven't had anything they haven't been able to help me with excerpt when I cut a chunk of my finger off. That was an emergency room visit. I hate how drs are so willing to pump you full of drugs to "fix" you but only cause more problems that you need more drugs for.
  3. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

    Likes Received:
    Yes -- thank you!!
  4. Justin_Hale

    Justin_Hale ( •_•)⌐■-■ ...(⌐■_■)

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    362"]Doctor Greetings - Spies Like Us - YouTube
  5. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    Yeah, some of them are like that. I feel like it's a bit better up here because we have stricter rules about advertising by pharmaceutical companies and the benefits they're allowed to offer doctors for prescribing their drugs, but it still isn't great. Although I think most chiropractic is pretty much horseshit as well, lol.
  6. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I have mixed feelings about this. I think the doctors themselves do a lot of good and deserve respect--they have a very stressful and overwhelming job.

    That being said, they are fallible humans--susceptible to believing all of the same fallacies that we are all lead to believe. I doubt that their intent is to harm their clients when giving nutritional advice.

    I would urge you to get the necessary blood work done, listen to their advice, and then act on your better knowledge. I find that a lot of doctors have outdated views about things--their health/eating advice is not personalized. I don't think doctors have much time to spend getting to know patients these days. The medical world is as mindless and profit driven as the rest of the world, I'm afraid. Doesn't mean that you should withdraw from it, just proceed with caution.

    I've had some issues with physicians trying to push drugs on me. I won't do it, I won't even take Advil.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    I trust (most of) them to remove a dirty abscess succesfully. There were even some that got rid of my mothers cancer! She's happily smoking cigs again :p But yeah, inevitably they are 'merely' our fellow humans. It is good to know were they lack (often) in their knowledge :2thumbsup:
  8. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    Agreed. I rarely go to the doctor for anything. The last couple of times I went to the regular doctor, it really kind of pissed me off because he didn't know shit. He even said he didn't know what to do. But I will say that the neurologist I was referred to was supposed to be the best and I ended up very happy with him. He knew what he was talking about and every single thing he told me was going to happen did....exactly how he said it would. I have nothing but praise for that guy. Plus....I'm self employed and don't have health insurance. That guy charged me $23.80 every time I went to see him except for the first time which was about $50. Why should I pay so much for insurance that I don't want when I can afford to pay out of pocket and my copay on an insurance plan would have been more than the doctor charged me to begin with? It's bullshit.
  9. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    You should become a physician, Matt.
  10. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    Have you ever thought about pursuing a career as a nutritionist and/or personal trainer? Seems like you're passionate about healthy lifestyles, you might as well try and do it for a living.
  11. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    wizard_of_odd, that is super cheap for a doctor visit period, not to mention you were seeing a specialist, for 24 bucks a visit!

    most doctors cost more. or maybe they do because they are milking the insurance companies.

    i try to give doctors the benefit of the doubt when seeing them, which is not often. the last time i went was because i was pretty sure i had an ear infection. he looks in and says that it looks like i have a yeast infection in my ear (candida albicans). then he prescribes me some ear drops. when i get home i notice they are antibiotic drops (to treat bacteria ONLY, not virus, and not yeast).

    i am a yeast scientist (S. cerevisiae though, different species, and i work on translation - the cellular process that antibiotics interrupt. so if i EVER knew what i was talking about it was then. i called him back and asked why he gave me antibacterial drops to treat yeast. he was basically a moron, and had no satisfactory answer. i said, ok i guess i won't take the drops cause they aren't gonna do a damn thing. my immune system had to take care of that one...glad i went to the doc for nothing.
  12. thedope

    thedope glad attention Lifetime Supporter

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    We have a disproportionate regard for many things and this disproportionate regard is what vanity is all about. The thimble has kept more people well than any group of doctors in preventing blood poisoning in primitive conditions.
  13. farmout

    farmout All who wander arent lost Lifetime Supporter

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    Doctors are human and make mistakes, and sadly sometimes lives are lost. I finally found a really compassionate female doctor who will actually listen to my aches and pains and evaluate appropriately ..... Lucky me, eh?....:)
  14. dreadzyahhmann22

    dreadzyahhmann22 Member

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    you couldnt have said that ne better. i agree 100% doctor r fucking stupid, with the exception of a very few.
  15. deleted

    deleted Visitor"]Cannonball Run Doctor - YouTube
  16. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    I am considering it, yes.
  17. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Thinking back to the 50s, I remember some doctors would smoke while they checked patients. One doctor had a cig going in every room! In the office. It's so much easier to treat the symptoms than look for root causes for many doctors. And NEVER volunteer what you think is wrong with you--I've seen them just agree, prescribe some chemical and shuffle you on out. I was extremely lucky with the doctor I got here when a life threatening condition occurred. Absolutely saved my life.

    Last time I went to my so-called family doctor--an MD, he stuck one of those little instruments in my nose and then when he was done, wiped it off WITH HIS HAND and put it back where he could use it for the next person! I'll be picking a new doc--if I need one. So, some are good and some are not.
  18. Wizardofodd

    Wizardofodd Senior Member

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    I was shocked that it was so low. The regular doctor who did nothing but send me to the specialist charged me $120 so I figured the specialist would be a few hundred but I wasn't going to argue because I had a serious problem.
  19. bird_migration

    bird_migration ~

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    I have a very competent doctor. That might well be the reason I never have to visit him, even though healthcare is free in my socialist paradise state.
  20. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    "The medical world is as mindless and profit driven as the rest of the world, I'm afraid"

    That's pretty much the truth. But medicine is changing around a lot right now between industry drug pushing and obamacare. Concierge care (what old timers think of as "normal") is happening more and more, people are choosing food based health more and more. Even tho congress seems desperate to force money at gunpoint out of people to support something only they want and only for financial reasons, the once pigeon-holed industry has expanded a lot and people are taking advantage of that.
    Pros are torn down the middle between those who are more leery and conservative and those who either to be a perfect schill or to optimize the money opps quote right off the industry literature and political agenda.
    There's not really a "doctor shortage" there's just a shortage of doctors willing to do it, until they get more foreign doctors in here who will dish crap and crud for nickels. But you will see more and more private care opps that have affordable fees and concierge care instead of system care. More people wised up than some people thought they would I guess.

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