Dear Doctor: I love going barefoot and hot and cold weather. I post about it on a public web site. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME??? (your answer follows....)
Weirdo! LOL. Seriously the answer is "nothing". The question is rather "what's wrong with anyone who has an issue with it!":2thumbsup:
There's nothing wrong with anyone who has an issue with it! People should be allowed to take issue, and others can either ignore it or take issue with people taking issue. Of course, the one who has taken the path less travelled should always try and guard against protesting too much, whether with outrage or over-egged sarcasm (calling yourself 'strange' in exaggerated tones, before other people get the chance to). Hair shirts prickle for a reason. On a side note: maybe some bystanders are just concerned about what an act of shoelessness might presage? In the sit-com I'm Alan Partridge, a recurring motif is a reference to Partridge driving to Dundee in his bare feet (while gorging on Toblerone chocolate bars). It's used as an indicator of psychological breakdown (and still manages to be a very funny line). People who feel completely well will often tell you "I'm fine" - and so will people who are on the verge of not being well! No one should get sniffy at people wondering about what might be underpinning unorthodox behaviour (no doubt any person who'd chosen to wear a pair of bare feet would have the decision questioned a lot less in warm, sunny weather than in cold, windy, wintry weather). You know who I feel sorry for? The people who choose to wear a shoe on one foot and no shoe on the other. They get shot from both sides!
Doctor: There is nothing wrong with you for enjoying barefooting. However, the way in which you let it define you and your life concerns me. I'm going to refer you to a psychologist.
The urge to pass reference again and again and again in forum dispatches could be seen as being the problematic part. People who aren't fixated on something tend not to rabbit repeatedly on about the same state of affairs.
Also, giving posts that don't chime with your own the order of the red thumb is disquieting behaviour for a grown adult to indulge in. Could be another little forewarning of an escalating obsession?
Dear doctor: I love going barefoot in hot and cold weather. I post about it in a public website. On this website, I start a new topic five times a week. I have also written many poems, all about barefooting. What's wrong with me? Doctor: You have too much time. Find yourself a hobby.
I agree, I care less about people taking issue, than I do about people just doing it to bait a reaction, which is the opposite of your observation. But even there, if I'm out and about barefoot I have no interest in worrying about being bated. (on here being baited is annoying given the forum) Several years ago someone on here wasn't working and threw away their shoes and talked about the experience. I tried it summer before last and it is interesting to go about all your errands knowing u have to do it barefoot because you have no shoes. Gives you a clear idea what people who have no shoes deal with (not being baited, just having to be out everywhere barefoot and maybe looked at). And ,of course, I liked the challenge and I do like being barefoot. So I did it again this past warm season, same basic feeling of being at the mercy of no shoes. And doing it in winter just begs for attention as well as I'd question my own sanity.
Doing it in very cold weather would be such an attritional thing; you'd basically be doing it to endure it (even the comments would be small fry next to the low temperatures); I can think of no other reason. And, since I think that the universe is a fairly indifferent place, that could only add up to something in the isolation of an individual's head. Any feelings of 'triumph' would be hard-pressed to outweigh the discomfort and so forth you'd have to put up with to get to those feelings. But then, I've never been able to get my head around the idea of self-flagellation.
Either I phrased it wrong or u misunderstand. I'd never do cold barefooting. Because it just draws unwanted attention and because I would not like it in general. I don't like cold. I'd like to think I'm not a complete idiot....least that was what I was trying to express. Less mulled wine sir.
Um.......what? Not sure what that has to do with anything. How dense are you? Remember to thank the creator for making breathing involuntary or your parents would have been unhappy about your loss.
The above quod would be an example of my having difficulty with people purposely baiting others. Or my inability to deal with stupidity. whichever.
You didn't phrase it wrong. I was just vaguely echoing your viewpoint, as well as restating my own (I don't tend to use the impersonal pronoun 'one'). I already knew about your strong disinclination to hit the frozen earth shoeless from earlier posts! Haven't had any mulled wine this Christmas, by the way (I did drain a biggish bottle of Duvel on Christmas Day with my dinner, though).