My boobs have been itching lately. Mainly around the nipple and I don't scratch them I just rub them (which makes me look like a perv) they don't look irritated or anything they just itch!! Does this happen to anybody else?
Could be a reaction to the chemicals in washing powder/liquid etc? Sometimes a thread can poke you and itch you and you're like grrr and can't find it and then when you do you pull it and start undoing the stitches......
Some fabrics seem to more irritating than others. Dry skin as YouFreeme also mentioned can cause that as well.
I went to see a doctor today and he ran some tests. He said it could be early signs of breast cancer. But it can also be an allergic reaction to soap or fabric. Now I'm really scared
Don't be scared. It helps in no way. Wash your bras in vinegar and water. Hang them to dry. See if that helps at all.
He rescheduled an appointment for blood work next week. I'm definitely gonna try the vinegar thing though cause it seems pretty odd that this is happening, I haven't been trying any new products or anything. I know my face normally gets super dry when it gets cold so the change of season could have something to do with it as well
Hm, I've actually experienced this not too long ago. Not often or all the time so I didn't think too much of it. The possible early cancer thing is a bit scary though. Does it happen often to you?
only wearing an athletic bra.....after awhile I have to take the harness off and scratch usually wearing a bra has something to do with it....those harnasses can cut off circulation.....?
There's some credence to tight bra bands interrupting lymph flow. Swapping a couple styles and not sleeping in a bra (I've learned some do) should lessen that impact. (I originally researched this as a reporter. Now I'm a massage therapist working with restorative rehab/neuromuscular reprogramming and some lymph drainage)