Do you turn your head?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Personface, May 9, 2004.

  1. angelgodiva

    angelgodiva Senior Member

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    I do not turn my head and make it a point to look, but I do find deformities interesting. If I am watching TV and there is a show about conjoined twins or someone whose face got eaten off by a bear or something, I am interested in seeing it, and I find midgets fascinating on TV too, most likely because I am so freaking huge! In real life, I just treat these folks the same as everyone else, because, after all, they are the same--the shell that they live inside of is just different from most.
    Different races don't cause me to blink an eye; I was brought up from the age of 5-11 in Hartford, CT, and the area that I lived in was mostly black folks, so they don't surprise me. I wonder why so many people (Bob included) say that all black people look alike, because to me they don't. On the other hand, Asian people DO all look very similar to me, I guess because I never really knew many Asian people, and even now have only one Chinese friend.
    Mentally disabled people do make me a little uncomfortable, but I try not to let them know because I wouldn't want to hurt their feelings; they have enough to deal with as it is. I do think Down's Syndrome people are very sweet, though.
  2. Fractual_

    Fractual_ cosmos factory

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    i try not to turn my head, because that makes it blatantly obvious your avoiding them.

    i agree with you angel, down syndrome people are very sweet. i remember being young helping with a handicapped baseball thing, seeing some of them play and my heart just melted.
  3. Dolphin~Rider

    Dolphin~Rider Member

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    There are a number of physically challenged people at my job. At first you notice it alot and stare whether you mean to or not-you can't help it. After a while, you don't even really see it anymore. The mind just takes it in, adjusts to it, and sort of stops noticing it all together. It's an unconscious thing, if you ask me.
  4. antithesis

    antithesis Hello

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    I honestly think that I look at them the same as everyone else. But for me that means that I don't look at them because I am afraid to make eye contact with anyone.
  5. TenCentArcade

    TenCentArcade Banned

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    Hell yes I look. I don't stare, but I look.
  6. sprout

    sprout DeadHead

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    Yes.....unfortunately I have caught myself turning away quickly when seeing someone of whom you described and its sucks SO bad because at the time it seemed so involintary but afterward you feel so bad because you know they get that all the time and I just want to turn back around and apologize but it seems like that would only make it worse.

    Its something I haven't done in a while as I am trying to be more aware of this problem... It sucks because its a very uncomfortable time for you and them and its one of the worst feelings I have ever had. When I turn away its not to be mean of course its just that even in catching a glance you feel like you are making them uncomfortable so you turn away but in doing that you have only made it worse.

    very uncool and its one of many things I would like to change about myself.
  7. interval_illusion

    interval_illusion Deceased

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    You're post was the most relivant to me.... i just feel that if i look at them, then they might think im staring so i try not to look because i dont want to hurt them but i know that is just as bad.
  8. mellow_hendrix

    mellow_hendrix Member

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    i may sound like a sick asshole but i find them funny but i also feel bad for them i mean i dont laugh in there faces or anything like that but me and my buddys find em humerous then again we find everything humerous oh well

    i feel like a nob now
  9. crummyrummy

    crummyrummy Brew Your Own Beer Lifetime Supporter

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    I turn my head when I cough.

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