While on the topic of trust, do you trust strangers? Are you the kind of person to ask a stranger to look after your stuff while you run into the store to get a coffee? Do you leave your bike outside without locking it? Do you leave your front door unlocked during the day? Do you believe the homeless when they tell you their sob stories? Basically, do you trust strangers? I can tell you that I absolutely do not. I have always been a rather solitary person who is somewhat weary of other people. I have learned to fully rely on myself and not ever need to trust strangers in the first place. Plus, most people are scum, well meaning scum, but scum nonetheless, so I find them difficult to trust unless I know them.
hell no i don't trust strangers. i do have some trust in statistics though, so if i'm in an area where nothing ever gets stolen i may leave my door or bike unlocked for a little while.
Do I trust strangers? No. Do I care about people deeply, yes. I don't even have to know a person very well before I care about them. Sometimes I can even look at a stranger and I automatically care about them. Trust is different, though. Trust, for me, needs to develop over time. I would have instant anxiety if I were to leave my front door unlocked, or ask a stranger to watch my bike. Homeless people and their "sob stories", I feel differently about.......When homeless people tell me their sob stories, I think they just need someone to acknowledge and listen to them and treat them like a normal human being, as opposed to looking for someone to trust them. What does it matter to me if a homeless person takes the $5.00 I've given them and buys drugs with it? In my mind, at least that is one less car they have to break into to get their fix.
I saw one beggar in the CBD yesterday, an old woman She had a let McDonalds shake by her side and later I saw her pull out a cheeseburger and lunch on it. That's probably around $6 For 6 bucks she could have gone to aldi, brought two days worth of food
i trust the universe to be strange. humans not so much. i've never found trust to be neccessary, as long as i avoid expectations and situations that call for backup. but i know it feels better to be trusted then not, and i try to avoid making people feel bad. in a way i trust strangers more then people i think i know. i trust annonymity, and if i have good reason to feel i won't see someone again, or am unlikely to meet them anywhere other then on line, i'm less worried about anything i might say how they might feel about it, or what they might tell someone else, but i still, don't want to make them feel bad, because i don't want to live in a world where people don't care about making each other feel bad. do i trust strangers not to walk off with something, no, but i trust them to be less likely to want to hurt me, which is simple logic based on real statistics. i trust the unknown where living physical people are not involved in it, to be more mostly harmless then anything that people, especially human people, are involved in. i always try to look trusting, while never quite trusting entirely, being strangers doesn't have that much to do with it. strange vs familiar, the strange is statistically safer, but its not like anything ever entirely is.
To a certain degree: yes, I trust strangers enough to feel comfortable around most of them. But no, I don't trust people in general enough to do anything in your examples. The thing is you know your bike is at risk to bestolen, it's stupid to leave your door unlocked (it only takes 1 malicious stranger after all), etc. So just because i don't know WHICH stranger i can trust (with certain things, not everything of course), and I know there are some you can't trust with anything, doesn't mean im distrustful of them all to the same degree.
that's three more people then i ever have. never had a sister or brother. my parents meant well enough, but everyone has their own agendas and blind spots. sob stories can be anywhere from zero to a hundred. i never presume to know how true or otherwise they're likely to be. generally they are more entertaining then jahova witlesses, or other street or door to door preachers. creativity i appreciate in all its forms. annoyance of course i do not.
I Always Give Strangers The "Benefit Of The Doubt"......But Then Again, I Have Seen More Than A Bit Of Life And Consider Myself A "Very Good Judge Of Character"..... Cheers Glen.
i've never been worth a dam at judging character and know i'm not. that's why i trust strangers neither more nor less then familiars, and everyone in contexts where it makes no difference and no one where it does.
I'm a fairly trusting person. I have definitely let randos watch my bag in the airport before and things like that. I also leave my door unlocked pretty much all the time. We don't even lock it at night. It really depends on where I am though. I trust my city and most of the people here, but I probably wouldn't leave a bike or something expensive with someone I don't know, or anything like that. I'm also more wary in unfamiliar places.
Depends on the stranger, the place, and the situation. I often trust strangers. Most of the time when I'm out in public areas all I meet are strangers. I trust them to drive safely, not assault me as I walk down the street, prepare my food, fix my car, etc. One time we stood on a D.C. subway platform completely clueless as a train puled up. We must have looked like a couple of country rubes as we just stared at the open door. There was a women seated in the car all by herself and she looked at us and said "This is the train you want." She looked trustworthy so we got on. She was right. I still have no idea how she knew where we were going.
In general I do not trust strangers. I am quite scared of the human race. You never know what will make someone snap (side note, I always try to be kind to people for the same reason) However, I have a very strong intuition about people. Some people I distrust immediately. Most people I come across I feel are decent people. I always lock my doors though, i'm pretty paranoid.
A friend of mine (who is fairly well traveled) just got back from NYC, and she said the people there were some of the nicest she's ever met in her life, even the homeless people. Not that I am saying that kindness makes a person automatically trustworthy.