Women around the world are abused, forced into prostitution, slavery. Some so subserviant, that only their eyes are shown. So obviously, they do not have equal rights as men.. In western countries, a little better.. In these western countries, women flourish in business, sports, entertainment, but do they have equal opportunity? Women make up half the population, but the majority of the highest paying jobs and highest positions are filled by men..mostly white men..why is that?
In the world? Absolutely not. In the west I would say that things are pretty much equal... though I think that equality is pretty hard to measure.
I can only speak on my culture but Yes I do. I'm taking into consideration more variables than money, eventhen I think it's close among younger generationS. I think women are generally more socially advantaged, when it comes to like dating and stuff and a good amount of consumerism is aimed towards women.
Well, it's said they control 50% of the money and we know for sure 100% of the pussy, so on one level they're much more than equal. In the rest of life--no.
this is a male dominated society, but i feel that the female is very close, but not exactly even, but progress is being made. but if they are religious then they r by no means equal
Some people are more equal than others,in this society,if the woman is upper-middle or upper class they have a better chance.
No, that's one of many examples that there is inequality as well. Which nobody was denying. It's clear that you think there is no respect for women in religion at all because you have only heard of the examples that showed inequality. They are popularly shared these days. But there are many, many religions and even the more wellknown ones do not treat women always without respect. Some of those other religions centered around fertility and held women and the female body in very high regard.
That is something else than you stated in the first place. Look it up yourself if you are interested. They are not that unknown. But really, there's a difference between inequality and no respect at all. And now that I think of it, I already named protestant christianity as an example. Some of them have female preachers and everything.
where the fuck are the woman. why do they never divulge any information. do y'all have a pact or something.
well imo not gonna look it up, cuz i think its all nonsense. and for the soo called protestant Christianity , they still believe in the bible, and the bible is full or hatred towards women
Define equal. Men have dicks ,woman have pussies. we are not the same. Man and woman have different roles inside society. Thats just the way it is.
I think most (western) women are fine, controlling men with pussy. The man works his ass off and makes 100 million a year. The woman just marries him. This is why you aren't seeing them SAY SHIT in this thread.