Do you think that i am "less of a lesbian" because i like women's bodies?

Discussion in 'Lesbian' started by Sinead 1965, Jan 11, 2019.

  1. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    As your avatar shows a good smile goes along way!
    KathyL likes this.
  2. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    I don't care what your gender or sexual orientation is what you did was a sexual assault. She should have called the police and pressed charges. There is simply NO excuse for this type of behavior no matter how old you are. You were lucky you only got punched in the face. You should have been locked up.
    eggsprog likes this.
  3. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    My other problem is that all the women i gotten far with were not my physical type.My whole life i can’t attract the women i find attractive. By the way, this has been an issue for me since I was 16.
  4. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    Ah...sorry you subscribe to the current identity politics victimization club.
    Hopefully you grow up and realize the absurd level of horse sh*t you have been told.
    How you feel about yourself, what you get out of life, your level of happiness, or lack thereof is a subtotal of your own attitudes and actions.
    The world is not here to make you feel better. Sorry to inform you of that. And the quicker you realize this the better you will be. Some of the happiest people I know are downright homely...and some of the most f*cked up people I know had everything in life given to them on a silver platter - including great genes that makes them physically beautiful. And they are never satisfied and live ruined lives.
    Get over your self pity, refuse it. Declare war on it. But stop the pathetic whining expecting others to make you happy. YOU are the only one that has the capacity to forgive the world and be the best you can be.
    KathyL likes this.
  5. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    That's where I differ a bit, I'm very attracted to masculine men with long hair,Iike Vikings.

    On the other hand I'm also attracted to sissy little cross dressers with small penis and long hair.

    But not those in between metrosexual guys with long hair eww.
  6. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    It might not be your looks. It might be the whole creepy assault thing. If you assault the ones you like, they're going to run from you.
    eggsprog likes this.
  7. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    And not just the assault thing but the deeply dissatisfaction with/lack of acceptance of yourself too.
    So many people that aren't beautiful or attractive in the general sense who attract me with their real self. But yeah, if they would not like or accept their real self to some extent I most likely wouldn't be attracted to them. These people do not have a pleasant vibe usually.
    KathyL likes this.
  8. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    You are totally right. In the past I have scared women away for acting weird. Since around high school attractive tall curvy feminine females have been very uncomfortable around me. I also think that this is hurting me in nearly all aspects of my life. I am a 53year old woman. Is it too late for me to change? I think what's happening here is that I still find it difficult to be normal around women i like. I have a thing about women's bodies and the way they display their curves with the satin or silk clothes they wear. Nothing unusual in that I hear you say but to me it is. Once I see the right package of body and clothing my urges are almost uncontrollable as I go all out to get my hands on the woman in question. These women my "victims" are physically stronger than me.I am masculine but i am 5ft2 tall and skinny. I am just a skinny, short, tiny, ginger woman.Standing next to these women i look like a midget. I am physically completely harmless. Am I just making excuses to justify my urges? I don't really know for sure .

    I actually get a buzz out of the adrenaline surge as the excitement of contact grows. I didn’t choose to be this way but I would never say its just like someone being heterosexual or homosexual. I hate myself for being a pervert. It first showed up when I was 17. I was regularly hugging and touching this woman who was often wearing satin blouses friend of my mother 's when I was 17. I've not really thought to much into this in the past, and passed it off as a phase that i might grow out of, and otherwise ignored it. Its not like i spend my life wondering around thinking about it. Its so morally wrong, and truly revolting, yet I can't help the way if feel. just needed to get this out of my head. I've never really thought about it compared to how people are supposed to think, and just accepted it as something that didn't matter. It obviously it does...Is it too late for me to change?

    Why am I like this? Why? My other problem is that all the women i gotten far with were not my physical type. My whole life i can’t attract the women i find attractive. I'm really ugly. My face is full of horrible features and I am short and very skinny. My face ... I gave a lot of bad luck. It's just ugly. It's sad to know that I'll never look good in photos and videos (that's why I don't like to appear in these things), and worse, that I'll never get a beautiful girlfriend. Yeah, I know it's probably a selfish thought, but one thing I've always wanted to have, is a beautiful girlfriend, and hasn't anything wrong with that.
  9. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    Yeah, yeah, we know about the "curves and satin clothes" stuff; no need to keep repeating it.

    You are not too old to change, if you want to. If you don't want to, you'll end up in jail.

    Why are you like that? What do you have to do to change? Those are questions for your therapist to help you with. You are a narcissist and you need professional help.
    Sinead 1965 likes this.
  10. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    Why do you think i am a narcissist? Please explain that to me. Please be brutally honest. I highly appreciate your opinion. I fully appreciate your support and advice.
  11. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    I'm so confused about everything.
  12. KathyL

    KathyL Super Moderator Super Moderator

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    You inflict your desires on other people without regard for the harm it may do them. It's all about you.
  13. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    You are right. I have symptoms of being a narcissist. I know it's not normal but I feel like without all these awful things I do, I'm just a scared pathetic person. I have never been diagnosed with OCD or any mental health disorder but, after thousands of google searches about paraphilia and OCD, I assume that i do have OCD or maybe I am just very paranoid. That great tome of information and knowledge, The Oxford Dictionary explains a fetish as being a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing or part of the body, etc. Other equally illustrious sources give greater detail or cover a wider range of possible explanations but to me they all hint at being about something specific. I've always had odd thoughts, even from a child. I'm not a bad person though "at least to most of the world", i've never been arrested. Lying is like breathing to me. I can lie SO easily, its crazy. I can look someone in the eye and lie. I am NOT violent at all. Not at all. I don't drink or smoke or do drugs. I'd never say any of this out loud or to anyone. But it's something I need to say and saying it to a computer screen is easier than saying it to a friend. When I look in the mirror, I don't see the person I feel like I am. And when I compare myself to the 'pretty people' , I don't feel like they're as worthy of it as I am. I am so ugly. I have some self esteem issues, but why lie to my self? If I'm ugly, why say I'm good looking? I am a realist. Most women don't care about your personality if you're ugly,ginger,short and skinny dyke. I am ugly as fuck and this ruined my whole fucking life! I am so fucking short, 5’2, with a slim & weak body. I literally look like a fucking 12 year old ugly boy. Added to this, i feel even worse when i see myself in pics next to other average and good looking people.
  14. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    Yes, your lesbianism gets docked to under a 95% confidence interval for the fact you like women's bodies. This puts you into a range where we can seriously cast doubt on your proclivities for lesbian behavior as reflecting your overall sexual orientation.
  15. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Throw on a pair of fishnets and you'll be 5/10 pretty much straight off the bat for me, add long hair, 7/10. :D
  16. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    I want to make clear that i only like women! I prefer more masculine clothing. I'm a little too butch but i I consider my self chapstick, I NEVER wear makeup. I have mid length hair, but for a long time I had really short hair.I’m flat chested, I’m not the most gifted in that area.
    I wear men,,masc, unisex clothes and shoes and the only thing I get in the women’s sections of stores are bras.

    I’ve noticed in some convos I had with friends that they don’t really consider me butch. They call me a soft butch or andro or just some neutral zone where I’m neither masculine or femme. but it also makes me feel insecure about my identity as a moc person.

    I have a higher voice. I don’t carry myself as “masculine” and it seems that I look more masculine than I actually am. I went on a date with one femme lesbian woman a while back and she ended up not being into me because she thought I was going to be “more butch” and was disappointed. It really sucked.
  17. Sinead 1965

    Sinead 1965 Members

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    Every now and then, men will harass me, I guess, because they think I’m a short skinny ugly effeminate man. It’s not too scary because as long as I ignore it and don’t make eye contact, nothing bad happens. But why do they have to make comments at all? Just let me walk down the street in peace.
  18. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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  19. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Oh okay, I see you're now advertising a sexstore site in the chat room.
  20. lion1978

    lion1978 The King

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    I am confused here, aren't lesbians supposed to like women's bodies?
    j11491 and Irminsul like this.

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