This seems to be the latest national craze: sex addiction. Do you think it exists? After all, there's gambling addiction. That's in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual that the American Psychiatric Association puts out). So there doesn't need to be a pharmacological substance to be hooked on, as in opiates. But then there's also "internet addiction", "shopping addiction", "texting addiction".... Do you think it's just sexual compulsivity, perhaps a manifestation of OCD? Or just slut shaming of male and female sluts? An excuse for cheating?
I don't think you can justify cheating. If you want premiscuous life, don't tie down to a partner you're going to hurt. I think sex could be addicting. It feels good. It releases endorphins.
A problem may arise when it is closely studied, it'll not only be an addiction but most likely a disease too.
well, pretty much anything can potentially be addicting. on the other hand, you need a certain amount of exposure to something in order to become addicted to it, and since sex mostly just exists in the movies, i don't see how real people could ever reach the addiction threshold.
I'm not interested in medical terms or standard. Addiction in terms of not being able to do without something and indulging in it inordinately until you're physically unable to does exist in matters of sex/masturbation. I make no distinction because they serve same ends. Probably every masturbator you know would gladly have sex if their conditions for it are met(chief of which is to have the partner). When they're not, the go into the fantasy world to get what they want. I can think of no physical pleasure as intense as sex/orgasm and hence I can't see why it wouldn't be addicting
I was once diagnosed with it. The description made sense to me. It's just a medical term for nympho slut. Absolutely. No, that's a good treatment for sex addiction.
How many times a day, can you have sex with your partner or Old Lady Fourfingers, before you are considered addict?
I used to know a serial cheater. He had a beautiful tall blonde intelligent girlfriend and he cheated on her constantly with girls who were usually inferior in some way...not as smart, not as pretty or in shape, etc.... I believe sex addictions are real because guys like this exist. It doesn't excuse his cheating, he's still a piece of shit for it, but it does explain it. Why would you cheat on filet mignon with 99 cent cheeseburgers unless you were driven by some compulsion?
I think if your sex, or masturbation is getting in the way of your like and getting things done then it is an addiction. if it works in with your life fine with no problems enjoy and keep going
I think that there are people who seem predisposed more than others to an addiction of one sort or another and that for some it is sex.