Do You Think People In The Military Are Heroes? Are Brave?

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by RichardTheFrog, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    I really hate to start so many posts at once. I am trying to get away from the "troll" stigma.... but you can see these are relevant topics, right?

    Who have you known that was personally in the military? Were they ever in any danger?

    My dad was in the Air Force. He was stationed at various places in the United States and was in "man power management" during the Gulf War, which amounted to an office job.

    I think some of them are just adrenaline fueled kids on a "Rambo fantasy." I have met many people that were in the military and not necessarily my heroes. I knew one guy that was formerly in the Army, and I met him while he was robbing an elderly person of his prescription medication. I also had a friend from high school who joined the Army, but is now doing 15 years for Attempted Murder for stabbing someone 8 times in the head/neck.

    Does it take bravery to join the Army or are they a bunch of pretentious wannabes?

    Obviously, if you are never in any danger, then it does not take bravery, although to jump out of a plane in itself is brave. I might not be willing to do that for personal safety reasons.

    Also, I knew some guys who were in Vietnam. I guess that took bravery. But they were kind of forced into it.
  2. r0llinstoned

    r0llinstoned Gute Nacht, süßer Prinz

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    How many fucking threads are you going to make? Do you smoke meth or something jesus christ you make like 20 threads a day.
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  3. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    No. I absolutely don't believe that people who join the military are necessarily brave or heroes (some are, many aren't). That is dangerous thinking and has led to some huge mistakes--and will probably continue to do so.
  4. RichardTheFrog

    RichardTheFrog Newbie

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    Well what do you think about them?

    No, not meth. Bipolar mania, not on medication, and drank a bunch of coffee. I will limit it to this. But you see that my posts have points. They are not just random garbage, are they? Not to me, anyway. And apparently not to the moderators (at least for the past couple of days). Lol.

    I haven't got kicked off an Internet forum in WEEKS. Lol. I should pat myself on the back.
  5. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    ^^^ This!
  6. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    People who are trained to follow orders and not think for themselves are not heroes. They are pawns.
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  7. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    i think that people in the military are people. there's way too many people in the military to generalize them though.

    i do think it's kind of a crappy job, so i do have to question people that do it voluntarily at least a little bit. and i've known a lot of military people and a vast majority of them do have major issues of one sort or another. so more often than not, military people do seem to be either stupid or crazy or both. but there's still a ton of good people who are or have been in the military. like i said, you really can't generalize.
    1 person likes this.
  8. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    It's probably good for the forums to have lots of threads going, as long as they don't get too ridiculous.

    For your own sake though, please stop drinking coffee and get the mania treated. My answer to all medical problems, acupuncture, works for that, though you probably want to get on a mood stablizer like lithium for at least a while.
  9. deleted

    deleted Visitor

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  10. RooRshack

    RooRshack On Sabbatical

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    This fucker's ruining what's left of the forum.
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  11. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    ^^^ That
  12. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    BTDT. They are no better than you or I. Though I will say that you stand a fair chance of finding people in the military that while they are not any better than us, they are certainly worse. The authority they get by rank often is abused. At the same there there are some damn good people there.

    Nothing wrong with bi-polar, IMO. Even the earth has two poles, right? North & south...?
    So you havn't been kicked off the internet long? LOL! That's not long! I'm an antagonist, and I havn't been kicked out of any sites in years. I just hang out here with cool guys like RooRshack and Tyrsonwood and flirt with hot babes like PressedRat. Since I hang with that bunch, the whole world runs smoother. Know what I mean? ;)
  13. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I didn't belong in the military. I had no interest in gaining rank and I was disgusted by the class structure. It's run like a hybrid prison. While I missed Vietnam by a few years, the country was still in the weird mode of pushing young men into the military. One way was the escalating cost of college. Even trade schools required student loans. My parents wrecked heir credit years before so I couldn't get into any kind of school unless I worked 18 hours a day. The military looked like my only option so I signed the line.

    It sucked from the first day, but that's to be expected of Boot Camp (named for leggings the army used to issue). Really big, sometimes fat and always ugly asshole would scream at us for being a quarter inch off folding our underwear. If they didn't like your reaction, you hit the deck for much needed exercise to the point of torturous pain. When I left boot camp I had tricep muscles I never had before as well as huge deltoids. Most of the other people I was in with were there for the same reason. There were no jobs for high school graduates without some kind of paper.

    But many were there to avoid jail. Which made life miserable for a lot of the rest of us. At every disciplinary hearing it was always the same characters for the same kinds of crap. Another thing that added to the whole inmate feel of it was the food. It arrived on a pallet with labels that plainly said "US Government Surplus". We already had the worst hours, dangerous working conditions and assholes telling us what to do, they top it off by feeding us from the bottom of the donated food pile. Why? Because it saved money so the officers could eat steak, a smell that filled every inch of the ship. They rubbed our noses in it every chance they got.

    I came to fully understand mutineers.

    And sometimes things would happen. An officer had to be taken off the ship by helicopter after a canister of firefighting foam (metal can with 10 gallons of liquid) followed him down a ladder. We had a few people get pushed off, into the Pacific. Always picked up by another boat in a matter of minutes. Never telling who did it. Another prison-like code of "honor" regarding finking on shipmates. Even if they themselves aren't acting like a shipmate. We were expected to "handle it ourselves" and never involve the upper ranks. Rat someone out and you'd catch a cold shoulder from the whole ship. Even if it's the biggest asshole on the boat who clearly fucked up.

    Being a hero is a matter of perspective. Personally, I think there is some amount of it in all military people. Even the ones who are just using it for training and benefits. They went through the same sorting process in the beginning. It pushed them to the edges of their own being sometimes. Maybe they don't all get a chance to fire a round at an enemy or patch a wounded grunt, but they did walk into it. They stuck with it. And in this day and age they know they can be assigned to a course of death. So perhaps they deserve to be heroes for being willing to take that direction. Bravery toes a line with stupidity and devotion.
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  14. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    Unfortunately most I've met are meatheads, what they can do is brave, but lets face it, you dont recruit brain surgeons to dig latrines or guard stuff for 12 hrs
  15. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    So, you want more 'Is 4.27 cms too small' threads? And less of ones like this
  16. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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  17. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    Offering to lay down your life for the greater good takes a certain amount of bravery. It doesn't make anyone a hero but takes commitment. Soldiers don't pick their wars. If you're looking to blame anybody for that look to politicians.

    Insinuating they're all stupid only highlights your own ignorance. Soldiers came from all walks of life, education levels, and experiences. Some need a job and others join to serve their country. Their motives are irrelevant. What matters is that they're there when we need them. They're not mindless drones. They have self-discipline. They're your brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and parents and girlfriends and boyfriends and everybody else you know. They're your fellow citizens. For fucks sake, don't be so ignorant. The only difference between the people you'll meet in the military and the people you work with are the clothes on their backs. That, and soldiers don't live in their parents basements.

    As for "hero", that's not a term soldiers use to refer to themselves.

    As for the "they're criminals" comments, there's a hell of a lot more non-veterans in jail than veterans. Makes sense considering only 3% of the population is brave enough to offer their life to their country. But yes, there are undesirable people that get into the military, and many of them get kicked out or end up in jail. You know, just like the rest of the population.

    Yes...I was a soldier. I make no apologies. I was a paratrooper. I jumped out of planes in the middle of the night with over 100 lbs of gear strapped to my body for a living. I did it because you weren't willing to be the one to stand in the door with your knees to the breeze....

    Sorry to disappoint you all, but I'm not a convicted felon living on the street. I don't drool when I talk. My knuckles don't drag on the ground. I have a college education, a well paying career, am happily married, and pay my bills. Total mindfuck, huh? A veteran with a job? Holy shit. I keep reading all over social media that I'm not even qualified to be a WalMart greeter.

    OK, continue with the hate.....
    4 people like this.
  18. tonydoe420

    tonydoe420 Banned

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    i lost my brother in the iraq war. he was killed at 18 defending his wounded mate. who he refused to leave. from what i know, he was left on his on with this guy and to others. in the middle of an iraq town and so rounded by insurgents. he fault them for for 2 hours. to me that his brave
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  19. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I am so sorry to read this....This must be so painful for you....Yes, your brother was very brave and a hero........
  20. AiryFox

    AiryFox Member

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    I am not a fan of the armed services. I do not consider the armed service people brave or heroes any way.

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