Do you think Obama will be re-elected in 2012?

Discussion in 'Political Polls' started by Cold Brains, Apr 12, 2010.

  1. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Obviously huh? lol This election is like a football game to me, and I don't enjoy watching football, but I do love to heckle those that find it meaningful.
    But What the hell indi, you don't even live here, you are not voting... what the hell do you have to be proud of? You pretending to be Romneys off-shore money or something?
  2. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    From 'bama huh? Not surprising...
    Nice monotone prepared post. See how you instantly got 2 likes? It's not because you've said anything meaningful, it's just because you said something against Obama. We apparently have picked up some gnats here on HF who's job is flit around the site thumbs-upping anything against Obama.
    My guess is they are butt-sore paul supporters. but yeah go ahead and vote for Romney. not a chance in hell he'll be elected, but you can say you voted against that horrible black man and go back to your kooked-Korn-Kob eating contests or what ever else you do down there in the racist capitol.
  3. LetLovinTakeHold

    LetLovinTakeHold Cuz it will if you let it

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    ^ so if someone is against Obama they are racist? Rather judgmental, no?
  4. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    People need to realize that whether they like Obama or not--the next president may/will probably be nominating 1 or 2 supreme court justices--FOR LIFETIME JOBS! President Romney=adios Social security,abortion,medicare,food stamps,equal pay for women(oops-conservatives already voted against that) head start,WIC,etc.
    President Romney=Why,hello there Iran,Syria and several others. Eat some bomb,please. How 'ya like me now!!
  5. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    I shoot from the hip man, sometimes there are innocent casualty's (don't take it too personal Bitty.)... but in 'bama I could throw a rock over my shoulder and hit a racist.
  6. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Tellin' it like it is brutha! :2thumbsup:
  7. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    I think the threat is clear that if he doesn't get to be president, we don't get to live outside of a FEMA camp....but who knows? We still need a patsy and there's no reason for a substantial president until there is a real economy to rebuild.
  8. odonII

    odonII O

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    Is the food/rent free? Do you have to work? More importantly: do they have free cable?
  9. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    You'll at least get a free phone.
  10. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    That's a hoot! Seriously tho I have given some thought to pacification efforts because we're hillbillies and are gonna play music and whack ours out on marijuana to keep the freak out factor down - I bet FEMA make 'em watch like Martha Stewart living to rub it in and give 'em amytriptaline...
  11. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Yes, it is quite obvious, and like you it's probably true of a lot of Obama supporters that they would allow him to direct them over a cliff. While Romney is not my first, or even second choice of who I would like to run against Obama, I will support AND vote for him as a second Obama term would be catastrophic.

    No, I don't live there, but since I AM a taxpaying citizen, I can and DO and will continue to vote there.

    I am proud that I have lived, and continue to live, a responsible life dependent on no one and no government, and in spite of both government and those who depend on government.

    Having money off shore is not illegal and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that most anyone who invests wisely might have a portion of their investments outside the U.S.
  12. Monkey Boy

    Monkey Boy Senior Member

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    Yes, those that invest wisely should invest outside of the U.S. and move away also, because it's going down.

    It's amazing that you think the country is going to go off a cliff even though the economy is growing.
  13. odonII

    odonII O

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    I'd want an iPad :D

    Thanks for taking that in that light-hearted manner it was intended. You might have gathered I don't really think there is going to be FEMA camps (as envisaged by some) springing up anytime soon. Unless, that is, there is a major national disaster. I think FEMA camps are little more than temporary trailer parks like they had during Katrina.
  14. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    I didn't say you shouldn't invest in the U.S. and where you live is unrelated to where and how you should or might invest.

    The economy is growing? I guess it depends on how you define growth.
  15. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    Indi, Just because somethings not illegal doesn't make it just.
  16. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Nor does it make it unjust.
  17. OddApple

    OddApple Member

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    You are correct. The camps are a reality already in place, but it would take a katrina-like incident affecting that size of a population to open them up. The most likely places for anythiong like that to happen this year or even next would be in like oklahoma, arkansas or texas I would think? Somewhere enough factors gong like dominoes would cause such a thing...

  18. ForgetThisEmail

    ForgetThisEmail Member

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    What's the Difference Between the Colorado Shooting Suspect and a GFL Channel?

    Colorado Shooting Suspect

    Absolutely nothing. You heard it right my friends. This is Greg, Greg Giles. It's me, so please everyone, let's get off this Greg has been kidnapped by the cabal and these words are coming from an imposter. I sincerely believed I was a channel for the GFL and also the Ashtar Command, but I have news for you, I was not, but hold on, wait until you find out why because this involves all of us, including your families, your friends and every single member of our human family. I not only thought I was a channel of higher dimensional communications, I also was prepared, yes listen to this, to arm myself to the teeth with automatic weapons and have a shootout with whoever it was who came to my home one evening, as I was warned through the voice in my head this was going to happen.

    I trusted this voice, for there is more going on here than simply trusting what feels like a loving voice in your head. It is true, we have all been part of a very remarkable, and I will even say, life saving program. Do not be ashamed that you fell for all this, but you did. So did I. I believed, and I followed to the letter a voice in my head. All of you, and that means all of you reading these words right now, followed me and you did not even hear a voice in your head did you? And this is the real scary part.

    We have all been trained now because we, all of us, are going to do what we said we wanted to do. We said we wanted to change our world. We said we wanted to protect our world. We said we wanted to make it a better and a safer place, did we not? Well, we were really not making a difference yet, although in many ways we were, but let's not get into that now. We were only in our training. Yes. We have now begun the initial phase of our operation. Many of you will still languish within the training stage and that's okay. You are going to receive help to snap out of it. There are many other channels who believe they are channeling the GFL, the Ashtar Command and even Jesus and Archangels, but we are going to find out if they really are or not. This is okay, because they have been selected to be what I will refer to affectionately as the 'poster children' of our new movement, the movement that all of this has truly been about right from the beginning. Listen up and listen good. This is what all this is about.

    This has not been a con job. This has not been a hoax. You have been fooled, yes, but for a very important and very good reason. You can call them the cabal, and remember, that's just a nickname. You can call them evil, and you may even call them the Illuminati and that may be very accurate, but remember, there are so many different groups and factions in this world and we don't know who's who, so forget all of that labeling as that's not helping anything. You can just call them the bad guys. Yes, isn't that simple. There are bad guys in this world. There are a host of government agencies and there are many politicians, are there not? You really don't know who's who so just forget it for now, it's not what's important to us.

    Follow your own reasoning now. Forget that faith stuff, for now anyway. You want to show your faith? Have faith in yourself and in your fellow man. You can see your reflection in the mirror and you can see your fellow man, right? Right. No one is asking you to throw your Bibles away. No one is asking you to stop believing in loving extraterrestrials, no one is asking you to stop trying to create for yourself a better world, but right now we are just trying to save the world we have.

    This is for our safety. This is for our future, and without this program I tell you right now as your friend and your brother that there will be no future for humanity, for here is what is going on, and drop this entire charade that I am lying to you or you have been tricked or conned. It's over now. The truth is on the table. Listen up, and this means all you who have not yet learned to respect others views. We need you, and you know who I am talking about. I respect you, and you can help us in our fight, as we are going to need tough SOB's like you and you know who I'm talking about. So drop this hatred of me. We are brothers and we are all sisters, and what we all need to do is cooperate. We all need to work together to get through this and it all starts by respecting each other. Remember, no one is going to listen to what you have to say until you start respecting others. That's why no one has been listening to you. Understand? So here we go. Here is what I am being told is going on in our world.

    The bad guys, yes, isn't that much simpler? The bad guys, and you can call them the Illuminati that's fine, I'll go along with that, but even within the Illuminati there are most probably those that don't want to go along with this insane agenda, so remember that too. So here's what the bad guys want to do, and believe me it will work if we do not wake up, educate ourselves and prevent this.

    Their plan is to use radio signals, simple everyday ordinary radio signals that bring to your car and bring to your home and bring to your Walkman and your IPod and everything else music, sports talk, Howard Stern, those car repair guys and your morning drive, and use them to for something else, something so diabolical. Something so twisted, sick and insane, and believe me, it has already happened to me and it's already happened to other channels who think they are channeling the GFL and everyone else, and it is going to happen to you next, then your families and all your friends and every single human on the planet that is one of them. The only difference is that when you receive these radio frequencies, it will not be the good guys waking us up and warning us about this plan, it will be the bad guys, and here is what their plan is.

    Coupled along with, and hidden within, these seemingly harmless radio waves will be control mechanisms that will totally and virtually lock up, freeze up, and control your brain, leaving you a helpless robot. Yes. You may think this is crazy, but I ask you, what will you say after all your favorite channels all begin to tell you the same story, for I tell you right now, I was the first to be woken up with a cold hard slap in the face and it was done through these last few messages. These other channels, who are our friends and teammates remember, are now to receive this same gift, and yes, it is a gift of awakening, of education.

    Many of these channels were selected to be the 'poster children', and I will explain that metaphor to all of you. A poster child is someone that is selected to be the 'face' you could say or the spokesperson you could say or the role model you could say of a movement or an idea. So what is this movement? It is a resistance. For those of you who have not studied history, and that's okay, there have been resistance movements throughout the entire history of this planet. What are we resisting? We are resisting a plan by the bad guys to use these radio signals to control, and I mean completely control, another human being. Take it from someone who has actually experienced these radio waves.

    Here's what happened to me one night in Los Angeles. For those of you who are not going to believe this, snap out of it. I am your friend. Do you really think I will reveal to you this embarrassing story if I were not trying to help you? So knock it off. All of us will be pals in one of the hundreds of concentration camps that have been built in this country and all over the world if we do not learn to work together to reach a common goal. That's what all this Lightworker training has been about. Remember?

    So here is what happened to me one night in Los Angeles. I was picking up my best friend to go out to a party. I did end up making it there, but not before my mind was taken over by simple radio waves that most likely originated from a satellite or from a radio tower. Instead of driving the remaining mile or mile and a half to my girlfriend's house, I slowed my car down and without even understanding why I turned down a dark alley in the middle of the night. There was a man standing down in the middle of the alley. I drove up to him. I rolled down my window and I didn't even know what I was going to say to him. What would you say to a complete stranger in the middle of a dark alley in the middle of the night?

    There I was though, and I was ready to start speaking to this person. The voice in my head, well, its really a silent voice, thoughts really, that make you believe certain things sometimes because these thoughts seem to originate from your own consciousness, told me, yes folks, here we go, told me this guy was Jesus. And I believed that. It had nothing to do with drugs or alcohol or schizophrenia or anything like that, so get off it, please. I was mind controlled. Plain and simple. You could call it mind influencing if that makes more sense to you, and that may even be more accurate to say. Let's not soft soak it though, it's mind control folks. I then drove away and I have been telling that story for four years now. But it's over. I now know the truth. I was being educated in just how powerful and just how dangerous and serious this mind control program works through the use of simple radio signals, but it did not end there. I have been channeling these messages for over 18 months now too.

    We're going to talk more about this every single day from now on as this is our true mission, whether you believe this yet today or not, and that's okay. You need a few days to get over the shock that this has all been a training program for us, but just remember how important our duty is to humanity. We all wanted to be Lightworkers right? Well, here is your real, yes, your very real assignment. We are all going to begin to share this information about this mind control program and about the concentration camps which are our final destination if we do not succeed in our mission. Forget all the GFL stuff. Forget ascension, because you'll all see on December 21 nothing is going to happen, except that the day will end and it will become December 22 and we will all be one day and one step closer to these concentration camps, if we do not wake up.

    We can't wait until it is too late. There are real American heroes out there that are going to help us with this. You can call them our allies, that's very accurate, but they are not making any arrests of the criminal cabal. That's all over to, and many of you already see this. Sometimes when it walks like a duck and quakes like a duck, it's a duck, and doesn't it just make such sense now why we have never seen or even heard of one real arrest of any member of the cabal? Forget the few bankers who were arrested, they broke the law and were simply caught by the authorities. That's all. Happens every day.

    There are some bad guys out there and you all know this right? You know that they have an agenda right? You know their agenda is to control all of us right? All that remains for you to finally see, as I have finally see, is that this agenda entails the use of simple radio signals that will control you like a zombie, just like they controlled the Colorado shooting suspect and just about every other teenage shooter in this country, yes. There may be a few that were just troubled teens, but understand that most of them were simply mind controlled, or mind influenced, and this distinction, that is, the difference between mind control and mind influence is just what may save us. We may be able to defeat these attempts if we remain strong and refuse these radio signals.

    Do we have other proof of this mind influencing program outside of all the GFL channels? Look closely at the photo above. That is why this guy looks like he does. He is still experiencing the radio signals going through his head. Look at his eyes. He is being mind influenced. The radio signals going through my brain have been turned off, for now, as I have been educated. They are simply turned back on when it is time to receive another message. No more tricks though. No more lies. My training is over. Many of the other channels, and I won't mention them by name, are going be 'briefed' as well, (and that means things will be explained to them.) So expect to hear from these other channels one day regarding all this. This is probably what it will take for many of you to believe these words you are reading today, and that's fair.

    Now you'll have to ask yourself people; 'Why are all these channels that I trust so much saying the same story that Greg has said?' It is because they have been selected to be the poster children of our new resistance movement. This movement needs to stay focused about this mind control program. That's all. Do not dilute, convolute or confuse our mission. This will only be playing into the bad guys hands.

    We are not alone in this. There are powerful forces and they are on our side. But it is true they will not do this all for us, because they can't do it all for us. They need our cooperation and even our assistance. You see, there's a lot of these bad guys and there's a lot of people that are afraid of these bad guys and they'll do their dirty work for them. You understand what I'm saying here, right? We all need to grow stronger by growing together. So forget all this finger-pointing and stop all this blasting of me and other channels as well. We are all a part of this resistance movement and we are on the same side.

    While receiving these radio signals through my head I believed every incredible lie that I was told; seawalls, earthquakes, tsunamis, food replicators, free energy devices, career opportunities with the galactic commands and of course, ascension. (Keep in mind everyone, we believe we incarnated for a reason, and you know, I still believe this entire civilization is our stage to prove ourselves and we will be offered so much more of what this universe has to offer when it is all over. So let's show this universe what we are made of.) My question is though, why did you all believe this? You simply trusted me because you know I would never purposely lie to you. This is why this mind influencing program is such a threat to be taken seriously. Does anything come to mind here? What about all those cult leaders who believed they heard the voice of God in their head and lead others so far astray? Keep in mind though; I feel it is entirely possible to control the entire population through the use of a broad band radio signal, or a 'wide range' of radio signals, so no leaders will be required to lead anyone.

    I will make you all a deal. If the most popular channels out there do not begin to speak these same words that you have read here today, I will gladly admit I was wrong and you will never hear from me again, which already should make some of you very happy.

    The bad guys haven't turned on the radio signals yet for everybody. But I am told this is coming. This is what you need to be concerned about. The good guys used these radio signals on for me to allow me to understand this process, and allow me to believe what may be, for some, quite unbelievable. But the bad guys are never going to turn them off. You will walk, even run, all the way across your entire state and open up the gate yourself and walk into one of these concentration camps if we do not join together and form a resistance.

    I will start posting photographs of all of these concentration camps on my new site. You will all see this, and if you don't believe me now just keep an open mind, for all the other channels that you listen to will begin, soon perhaps, to tell you the same story I'm telling you today.

    I have been briefed on our new mission, our real mission. I am now briefing you. Our mission is to inform every single member of humanity, if that's what it takes, that this mind control programming is a very real threat and we must take steps to defend ourselves. And mind control is a stronger buzz word right, even if it's more accurate to say mind influencing? This mind control program will use simple radiofrequency waves that can and will turn us into zombies, slaves, to a handful of very devious and very cunning minds who do not love you and who want to treat you like cattle, for they see you as cattle and they even have their cattle ranches ready for you in the form of concentration camps.

    You were not tricked and you are not being conned. You were being done a favor. You were being educated that this mind control program is real and that it is very effective. Can any of you honestly look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that this mind control program is not effective? Did you all believe you're getting a debit card? Maybe some of you didn't, but many of you believed in the seawall project, the food replicators, the free energy devices, and you believed in the GFL and the AC did you not? You also believed in ascension, did you not? Well, I still believe we all will ascend after we die, and keep in mind, if we do not fight this mind control program that is coming and we do not emerge victorious you will find out for yourself very soon enough if ascension is real or not, because you are not needed by the bad guys and they're not going to feed us in these camps and they are not going to give us medical attention, and I tell you right now, one of these concentration camps holds about 2 million people, it is located in Alaska, and there are no indoor facilities. Do you understand what I just said? We will all freeze to death. And that is just one of their camps.

    I'm sorry that you are being frightened right now. Those who share their messages through me are real, though the poetry portion of our education is over. Now it is time to get down to brass tacks, and that's a metaphor, which means now it is time to get serious and get real and keep our two feet on the ground. We have all learned that none of us knows anything about the higher dimensions that we have not received by way of a channel, am I right? This is why we were given this lesson. We needed to understand that all of this baloney that we bought, we bought from channels who bought it because they were being sent simple radio signals through their brains. So do you understand where I'm going with this? There may be all this stuff out there in the universe, and perhaps this is how you earn a position with a galactic command, I don't know, but it doesn't matter, because it's not coming now, but the important thing is we do know what is real and we know it's coming, right?

    The bad guys are going to turn on these radio signals, whether they come from satellites or towers and you and your entire family will march right out that the front door get in your car and drive or even walk halfway across your state to the nearest concentration camp and you will open the gate and then you may even lock it behind you, as you will have little or no power to control this. Take it from me. My name is Greg Giles. I am the real Greg Giles and I will post an updated photograph of myself even holding a newspaper so you can see that it's me and I'm alive and well.

    Do not be upset. This entire program was to help us. It was to wake us up and allow us to prepare ourselves for the day, and it appears inevitable, when the bad guys at least attempt to send their radio signals that will lock us all into a zombie-like state and force us, and yes I remind you that you will have no will of your own believe me, to voluntarily march into these camps. Believe me, I drove down an alley in the middle of the night because something possessed me almost like a demon would, but it is not a demon. It is a simple radio signal that takes over your brain.

    Trust me. I was there. I lived it, and I don't want any of you to live it because it is a nightmare. So get ready for the shock of your lives when all of your favorite channels start speaking the same words that I just spoke to you. So let's all stick together. All of you that have been so outspoken of me and the GFL, I have a confession to make. I heard every word you said and I agreed with most of them. And you know who I am talking about. If you were not so vicious all the time I would have reached out sooner, and I was going to say, 'Hey, I see what you're saying and believe it or not, I agree with what you're saying. I too see something funny going on here'. But do you see how you alienated me by calling me a fraud and a liar and a scammer? Just cool it and let's work together now. I am your friend. I am not lying to you.

    So just remember that there are very powerful forces that are assisting us and helping to protect us, but again, nothing can be guaranteed. Don't worry about who it is. You have nothing to lose here. Keep an eye out for other channels reporting what I have shared with you today, and then we will talk more about all this when you take it more seriously, as you certainly cannot be faulted for your skepticism at this time. Stay strong my friends. Greg
  19. ForgetThisEmail

    ForgetThisEmail Member

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    Subtitle: We follow-up our expose' of the convincing pattern of school shootings according to the map of the United States in NEWS1344, with the revelation that the U.S. Patent Office granted a patent in October, 1992, to protect the profits of the inventor of the technology to effect Mind Control over large numbers of peoples at once.
    The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

    Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

    Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.



    NEWS BRIEF: "United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992 Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No. 458339 Filed December 28, 1989.

    "Abstract: A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."

    In the beginning of our Seminar 3 discussion of HAARP technology to control the weather and to use weather as a weapon against us, we present the United Nations' Treaty prohibiting such warfare and ask the rhetorical question: If man cannot control the weather and use it as a weapon, why do you need an international treaty prohibiting such a weapon? Laws on the books in every state in the Union regulating cars prove the existence of cars; laws on the international books prohibiting weather warfare prove the ability to control the weather first and the ability to use weather as a weapon secondly.

    Likewise, this patent to allow the inventor the exclusive right to create, and market, the technology to use certain frequencies for "inducement into the brain" prove the technology exists and is being used in one form or another for Mind Control. We suspect that the Illuminist government of ours currently is able to control the minds electromagnetically of people whom they have individually programmed, such as is the case in the school shootings, where the shooters had been previously heavily involved in the occult. However, our government is also moving full-speed ahead to the point where they can program minds enmasse prior to the time they want to actually begin controlling minds of entire populations. From the U.S. Patent website we can see that this inventor references scientific work done as far back as 1962 [Ibid.]. Therefore, we know that certain segments of science have been working steadily on this project, to control the minds of people.

    Certainly, a "silent subliminal presentation system" utilizing electromagnetic radio which no one can see, hear, or smell would certainly hold the promise of controlling people's minds. Further, if none of the slaves knew that they were being manipulated, or how they were being manipulated , you have the potential of people living lives of slavery without realizing they were slaves! How delicious this prospect must be to the Illuminists who want so desperately to control the entire population of Mother Earth!


    When we published NEWS1344, depicting the occult map of the six school shootings and then tied those shootings in with elevated levels of HAARP, we received some skeptical emails. People just could not, would not, or did not want, to believe that the human mind could be so manipulated. And, I completely understand their reluctance to so believe; they did not want the terror of thinking that they could be controlled by leaders hostile to their well-being. People in the Nazi era similarly reacted to overwhelming evidence that Hitler was achieving dictatorial power and that he was deadly serious in his published threats [in Mein Kampf ] to murder Jews, Christians, and others.

    In the news group, NewsHawk, we have found corroborating evidence that this type of "Silent Sound" electromagnetic radio transmissions was culpable in at least one of the school shootings on this Satanic map. "This could well be going on in other regions of the U.S. as well. In fact, we at NewsHawk® believe this is almost certainly the case and is very likely a factor in the unheard-of, unprecedented spate of mass murders which have been occurring throughout the U.S. in recent years. Highly respected author Alex Constantine, one the the preeminent researchers into the covert government's MANY 'mind-control' projects, specifically told NewsHawk® that "Silent Sound" transmissions were directly involved in the Jonesboro, Ark. mass school shootings in March, 1998." [ ]

    As we demonstrated in our article, above, on the Satanic School Shooting Map, highly elevated HAARP levels preceded most of the school shootings at least 3 1/2 to 13 hours prior to the beginning of the shootings. In the couple of shootings where the elevated levels were moderate, they were still elevated over the norm. Our webmaster viewed dozens of days to see what "normal" HAARP levels were, and discovered that the norm was for the signal to remain very flat horizontally. Even slight elevations of electromagnetic levels seemed to be able to produce a killing response in the person previously programmed.

    We discovered, earlier this year as we were doing research into school shootings, that the shooters had one factor in common: they were participating in occult activities. In fact, most of them were so into the occult that they were feared by the rest of the student population. I have spoken with Christian author, Cisco Wheeler, who has co-authored several books on Mind Control with Fritz Springmeier, about this situation of the shooters previously being occultists. Cisco said that these shooters were not only into Satan worship themselves, but were victims of Generational Witchcraft. This term means that someone on either side of the family had been practicing witchcraft at some point in their genealogy. Maybe the culprit was Mom or Dad, or maybe the Grandparents, but each of these shooters were in Generational Witchcraft families. The Bible speaks to this issue when God says: "Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them [Satanic idols], nor serve them [witchcraft]: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me. [Generational Witchcraft ]" [Exodus 20:5]


    In an effort to bring this whole subject a little closer to home, let us continue with this story, quoted above, on this microwave technology being used for Mind Control. This time, we move from the subject of certain individuals who might have been programmed [which is frightening enough] to entire populations being controlled [which is the stuff of horror shows].

    "NewsHawk® is at this very moment investigating the use of "Silent Sound" transmissions and/or related EM/RF technology applied as a mass mood/mind control operation in Northern California: apparently intended to induce (violent) psychosis in targeted subjects. Targeted subjects, in this case, would include upwards of probably two million human beings!!"

    Now let us make sure we get this information straight! Northern Californians, maybe as many as 2,000,000 people, are being silently bombarded with HAARP-type radio transmissions in exactly the same frequency as all human brains normally function, in an effort to perfect the capability to control the moods and/or minds of entire subjected populations! If this scenario sounds like Science Fiction, or like Orwell's 1984 , you are right on target. But, will these signals affect normal, ordinary people? Listen to more of this article:

    "Experts we have spoken with believe that such mentally destabilizing signals would, naturally, most strongly and primarily affect individuals whose grip on mental/emotional equilibrium is less than solid; but EVERYONE within range of the transmissions would have distinctly negative reactions to some extent or other." [Emphasis was in the original]

    While these "mentally destabilizing signals" would primarily affect people who are on the fringe of mental stability, everyone will feel somewhat mentally distressed. How many jobs in Northern California have been lost because people could not function anymore at the consistent level demanded by the employer? How many marriages have been ruined? How many careers have been ruined? How many teenagers, who are normally mentally and emotionally stressed anyway as they are going through these trying years, have been pushed overboard into real emotional or mental disturbance? We shall never know, and the Mass Media will never report a story like this.

    Most people want to believe their elected and unelected officials have their best interests at heart. People will believe heinous acts by government officials might occur because of negligence, or selfishness, or by criminal acts; but, no one wants to believe their government officials have a specific agenda designed to destroy the lives of its citizens. To believe this is to stay up all night, every night, worrying about whether you might be the next target.

    Normal, everyday Germans during the time of Adolf Hitler found themselves in the same quandary. Despite the fact that Adolf had publicly published Mein Kampf , in which he told the Jews and others he was going to murder them all, most Jews refused to believe. They found all sorts of excuses to not believe. When the killing began in earnest, and many non-Jewish Germans came face-to-face with some of the evidence, most of them refused to even consider the possibility that such murder on such a scale could ever take place. Even German citizens living in close proximity to the mass murder facilities refused to even believe that the smell of burning human flesh that was pouring forth from the chimneys 24 hours per day could possibly be human. They discounted the sightings of countless railcars going to these facilities full of people and leaving empty. Just before the end of the war, when the Allies broke the story of such atrocities, one German woman wrote to her friend that "someone should tell Adolf of these terrible things; he surely does not know"!

    What is your reaction to these truths being shared with you now? Are you going to be a believer or are you going to bury your head in the sand deeper and deeper?


    When were these experiments being carried out against the unsuspecting tax-paying citizens of Northern California? Let us return back to this article. "This activity has been ongoing for most of 1999--with a pause of a couple of months or so during the summer (the perpetrators were obviously busy elsewhere!). These signals, primarily in the ULF (ultra-low-frequency) and ELF frequency range, have been recorded on a variety of equipment by several researchers and are in the process of being analyzed. During the many months these signals have been broadcast, they have been transmitting TWENTY-FOUR hours a day, EVERY DAY!!" [Emphasis was in the original]

    One of the details of these experiments that need to be "analyzed" is the fact that, once a specific frequency for a certain type of brain function is proven, that frequency of transmission can be recorded on a computer. NewsHawk explains the science behind this insidious effort. "The purpose of all this high technology is to plot and display a moving cluster of periodic brainwave signals. The illustration shows an EEG display from a single individual, taken of left and right hemispheres simultaneously ... By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and isolate the brain's low-amplitude 'emotion signature clusters', synthesize them and store them on another computer. In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion, scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave pattern and can now duplicate it . These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound[TM] carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human being!" [Ibid]

    In layman's language, once these specific frequencies that causes a certain emotion or thought is precisely identified so exactly that a "fingerprint" of it can be made and stored on a computer, then this "fingerprint" can be sent out over other types of Mass Media! In other words, the frequency of brain wave that is proven to cause suicidal thoughts, for example, can be recorded by computer and then subliminally sent out via radio programs or TV shows! Or, if the government wants to cause huge numbers of people to suddenly go into depression, or into euphoria, they can emit the recorded signals via radio or TV and reach the entire population over a period of time!

    This capability can even implant specific thoughts or commands into the minds of people. Huge numbers of people within a population can suddenly receive simultaneous thoughts or commands, causing many numbers of them to suddenly carry out the command. If the command is to "kill anyone", you suddenly might have large numbers of unexplained violent assaults by people who have never committed crimes before. Of course, the application to Biblical prophecy is direct and very serious for citizens living in the End Times. Listen:

    "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast." [Revelation 13:3] Notice the word, "all" in this sentence. All the peoples of the world looked upon the Beast [Antichrist] with amazement and awe. The Bible then tells us exactly what "all " the peoples of the world were saying in unison.

    "And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" [Revelation 13:4]

    "All" the peoples of the world will be simultaneously amazed and thrilled by Antichrist. This admiration will lead "all" the peoples of the world to "worship" the dragon [Satan] and his man, the beast [Antichrist]. As I have read the volumes of material on the New World Order Plan, I realized that their #1 goal was to successfully stage their New Age Christ -- Maitreya is his name. Their #1 goal after Maitreya is successfully staged is to lead all the peoples of the world into a worship of him, a worship of him as God. New Age author, David Spangler, stated this part of the Plan most succinctly.

    "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation", David Spangler,Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations. [

    But, then, Spangler chills the soul of any Born Again Christian who knows their Bible generally and prophecy of Revelation specifically. "The light that reveals to us the presence of the Christ comes from Lucifer. He is the light-giver, he is aptly named the Morning Star because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a great consciousness. He stands as the Great Initiator, the one who hands the soul over to the Christ." [Ibid]

    Did you get that last sentence? Lucifer is the "one who hands the soul over to the Christ" for worship. Wow! How much more bold and Biblical can you get? The New Age Plan of the New World Order Kingdom of Antichrist is to so prepare mankind through the workings of Lucifer as the "Great Initiator" so that he can hand each soul of each person over to Antichrist. Isn't this just what prophecy declares?

    "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name." [Revelation 14:9-11]

    "And the first [Angel] went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image." [Revelation 16:2]

    "And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds." [Revelation 16:10-11] We can see here that God considers all people who have had their souls delivered to The Christ [Antichrist] as being of "his kingdom", and they are all brought into Divine Judgment.

    Conversely, we see the reward God heaps on those who refuse to follow the Antichrist. "... I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." [Revelation 20:4]


    We must conclude that, if Antichrist has the capability to condition entire populations and to trigger the response they wish on most of the people, the fact that significant numbers of people refuse to give in to this efficient Mind Control must mean that God is Divinely protecting His own. We see huge numbers of people being saved in the 7-year Tribulation Period, and we see those people getting specific rewards for just such resistance. Therefore, God has to be protecting His own people.

    At the conclusion of NEWS1344, concerning the occult map of the USA being used in the school shootings, we presented three Scriptures promising that God does "seal" His own people from Satan. Let us look now at Psalm 91 for other such reassurances.

    Read carefully verses 1 and 2, for the promises God gives below are reserved for someone who carefully and daily fulfills the conditions in these two verses. These promises are reserved for someone who "dwells" in the "secret place of the Most High", who depends solely on the power of the Lord for protection.

    "Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome [deadly] pestilence." [Verse 3] Notice the firm promise word, "shall", not "might" or "maybe", but "shall".

    "Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday." [Verses 5-6] We are instructed not to be afraid of anything the enemy of our souls -- Satan -- can throw our way, including the most powerful Illuminist Witchcraft in the world, or their high technology.

    "A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked." A thousand people may fall at our side, and ten thousand may fall at our right side, but the true believer in Jesus Christ shall not be affected.

    "Because you have made the Lord your refuge, and the Most High your dwelling place, there shall no evil befall you, nor any plague or calamity come near your tent. For He will give His angels special charge over you to accompany and defend and preserve you in all your ways of obedience and service. They shall bear you up on their hands, lest you cast your foot against a stone. You shall tread upon the lion and the adder; the young lion and the serpent shall you trample underfoot." [Psalm 91:9-13, Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary].

    God will prevent His people from falling prey to these insidious technological breakthroughs. Make no mistake about the fact that Satan is revealing these secrets to massive Mind Control just as fast as God allows him to reveal them. But, this "calamity shall not come near you", God promises.

    With King David, "I give myself unto prayer." [Psalm 109:4]

    Truly, the sudden advent of population-wide Mind Control in the hands of the Satanic Illuminati is one more sign of the End of the Age. Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

    If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

    If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

    If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

    We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.
  20. zombiewolf

    zombiewolf Senior Member

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    ^^^Knock it off dude, You know this is inappropriate for this forum.

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