Do you share drinks with people? I just can not do it and I don't understand how people do it so freely. I'm not sure if this is due to my ocd, or another reason. I've always been this way though and I remember times when even my best friend offered me some of her drink and insisted and I drank because I didn't want to offend her. I was so grossed out. The drink tastes different, not good anymore, people backwash, there are germs, Eww.. I've only happily shared drinks with a handful of people I've dated, who I consider I was in love with... so to share a drink with me, I have to really be in love with you and already be making out with your face.
I'm only a little paranoid aroud cold and flu season, otherwise if I'm somewhere and a friend says "here, taste this.." I just shrug and take a sip. Hell, it probably builds immunitys. Have'nt you ever heard the thing where we all share a little bit of the Buddhas saliva, ( and Jesus, Gengis khan, Pol pot, W.C. fields and everybody else thats ever lived and breathed) because it's all ultimately still contained in the moisture of the air we breath and the water we drink.:ack2: lol
no. only with the person i have sex with . dont share joints, bowls unless intimate with them. that included sharing drinking .. on a very rare occasion may happen, but its probably moonshine or something on that level..
Oddly though, the thought of kissing a stranger isn't as gross to me as the thought of sharing a drink with a stranger.. Drinks taste different to me after someone else has been drinking it. If it's someone I'm dating though and attracted to and we share a drink, the drink tastes fine, ha.
ah haha, I also hate shaking hands with people... but I am a very affectionate person with people I'm romantically involved with..
I think it's more of the formality of a handshake that bothers me but I also worry that people's hands are filthy.. I'd actually be more comfortable hugging a stranger rather than shaking their hand. I have issues.
Sounds To Me Like You Have Some Kind Of " Obsessive Complusive Germ Phobia Disorder".... Cheers Glen.
it but i worked on powerlines over mountains, all day.( i drank out of a stream that day) out drinking, buzz on, i drink after ma old lady. passed the whiskey bottle around wit the boys. so my awnser;..if i,m drinkin, or thristy enough... yes.
It grosses me out. The only people I will share drinks with is my husband and his brother. I have no idea why it doesn't bother me share drinks with his brother but I do it often. Maybe because we've been best friends for almost 20 years.. I won't even share with my own sister though.