There are many situations on rumors about alien ships and I was very curious about this. How can this large universe only has earth as a planet with living beings. i'm so curious!
They absolutely exist. There's no possible way, in my mind, that in the vastness of space there is not life on other planets. They could be at the beginning stages of life and just be small single called organisms or they could be super advance space travel beings. We know Earth-type stuff and how life is carbon-based. But who's to say there's not an entirely different unknown to us element in which life has built upon.
There may be as many as 300 billion planets that might support life within our solar system alone. If only .0001% actually do, that's still 30,000. Odds are.... How Many Habitable Planets are Out There?
Aliens might be nothing that looks like something or something that looks like nothing…..short way of saying we probably lack the ability to even imagine what other life is, was or might be.
For life to evolve from bacteria to intelligent people like us, takes at least 1,000 million years on a planet that has developed the ability to support it Therefore, what are the chances of it happening at the same time on more than one planet. The answer probably lies in the fact that our brain cannot comprehend infinity. As for this planet. The evolution of us humans is very sketchy. If we evolved from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys.??? This leaves the possibility, that WE are the visitors. We seem to fall into at least 3 breeds, with little logical explanation.
Of course I believe. Can you possibly think that we are the highest form of life?? Not lately anyway... Somewhere some alien is just slowly shaking his weird looking head...."oh, what did we do...."
I think only life that can stand being frozen indefinitely can travel to other solar systems, like bacteria and viruses. Those are the only true aliens that can travel here. And guess what? They rain down on us every day! If they can survive Earth's environment, they can evolve into higher forms. At that point, they're no longer aliens, but earthlings.
There is a high statistical possibility that aliens exist. And there could be both benevolent, neutral and malevolent species as well in this galaxy considering some books, news reports and articles I have come across . Imo, the constant conflicts, wars and tendency towards violence amongst disunited humanity may have created a perception of us being immature and regressive in the civilisational scale and that could be a reason why some of them are not too keen on getting into a progressive relationship with us. It could also be possible that some species are adeptly exploiting the various weaknesses in the human species to serve their own selfish ends at the cost of the terrestrial beings.
Yes. It seems highly likely to me that there are other intelligent lifeforms ("aliens") in the cosmos.
I think that it should be a foregone conclusion that there is other life in the vast expanse of the known universe. Even within our local galactic neighbourhood, given the vast number of stars in the vicinity of our own solar system, the potential number of "Goldilocks" planets supporting life, even if we assume those just based on our own requirements for the support of life, is in the 1000's.
Did you mean within our galaxy, Piobaire. Our Solar system only has 8 planets and Earth is the only one capable of supporting life to the best of our knowledge
there are many theories and hypotheses on this subject. Some scientists and experts believe that life may exist in other parts of the universe, and we may not be alone in the universe. But there is still no definite scientific evidence for the existence of alien life, so the question remains open and requires further research and discovery.
to me the only question is whether any two sapiently populated worlds are close enough to each other to have any actual contact? could someone from one of them get to the other with in their own individual life times, or by some alternative work around (like generation ships or low passage) if that's possible. there is no possibility eliminated by the unknown being unknown. if there's one thing i don't believe, its that our world and species, is any bigger deal then any other (populated world and the non-human people who populate it).