Hello, well, the topic says it all. I sometimes read the instructions when it gets complicated, like washing socks. But most times I can get away without reading them. I mean, why spending half an hour with instructions, if you can spend two hours checking it out. Regards Gyro
There are people who read the instructions and then there are those who do not; I read the instructions from cover to cover then pat myself on the back for a job well done. Hotwater
Hello, I imagine in Australia roads go for, let's say, 5000km without any turnoff. Maps aren't really necessary there. Regards Gyro
Very rarely. I made a lot of models when I was young as a hobby. Learned to just piece things together, if I get stuck then go to instructions.
If I'm assembling something, I just make sure I have all the right parts by looking at the instructions, then i go free will on it
It depends. I find that it is usually easier and faster just to use a product. Use is intuitive most of the time. You need the instructions for special features sometimes, and for safety instructions. ALL YOU MOFO'S WITH YOUNG KIDS: (PLEASE!) MAKE SURE THAT YOUR TV'S (IF YOU 'VE GOT ANY) ARE SECURED, BECAUSE LOTS OF KIDS GET INJURED OR KILLED BY FALLING TV'S
Yes! I always read instructions, and then get so frustrated because I cannot understand them and it does no good to read the dang things. :dizzy2: They need to give instructions in/with pictures ONLY, and then I might could follow them. I then 9.9 times out of 10 give "whatever needs instructions" to the son, who NEVER reads instructions and always gets "whatever" assembled correctly. The other .1 time, the item is never assembled or it is put together and tears up in seconds.
Hello, maybe it's because they mix non-english terms into the instructions? The guys writing the instructions might not have a good command of the English language. The picture below is not a manual, but illustrates the problem. The text 'Transparentes Sichtfeld' in the center of the bag is a command to the layouter of the bag (it basically means make the pink area be translucent so that one can see the rice in the bag). The layouter clearly didn't understand that and to be honnest the bag doesn't look too bad if you don't read the text . I think translators of manuals often have the same problem and you can smell google translator from the manual sometimes . Regards Gyro
I used to work as a Systems Support Engineer, and one of the most famous acronyms in computing is: RTFM = Read The Fucking Manual.
For most things I read instructions, but not for love making. Because For love making I wrote the instructions.