Because I want to know what they would find more attractive. I've heard some say both. Some think the foreskin is fun and sexy. Others say the circumcised is more appealing. Because it's 1AM and I think I need to know this information in order to make my life complete. I think it's the logical next step to me in order to fully grow as a person to know what a few women think of foreskin.
Well 2 mistakes, foreskin and Republicans....well they are kind of he same thing, so yeah one mistake Ahh, so its not about Maslows Hierachy of needs and obtaining self actualization, to fully grow as a person you just need to know if chics thing foreskin is gross. I see why you want female replies, male replies are pretty sarcastic
I have three thoughts on this. 1) This question has been asked so many times on this forum it should just be pinned at the top and should just be one continuous poll question. 2) Arguing which is right is a complete waste of time. No one is going to change another's mind on the subject. Someone prefers cut? Great! Uncut? That's great, too! 3) I happen to prefer circumcised...but who the hell cares?