I'm starting to look like my Grandma. I also look a little like my aunt, I think. This is my Aunt Alice.
Ha,I wasn't even trying to recreate the photo or anything and just noticed we have the same wardrobe color scheme.
Ugh I don't have any pictures or knowledge cause I'm adopted......don't even know what my ma looks like
My sister and I have convinced people we were twins before, despite an age gap. And then the weirdest thing happened on ancestry.com, someone popped up as being related to us per my sister's dna results. She looked like she was our triplet..she actually looked more like my sister than I do. We couldnt figure out exactly how we're related, 3rd cousins or something but the similarities are scary And then everyone says I look like my grandmother, my mom's mom. I've had random family members i've never met message me on fb to tell me how much I look like her. This is a weird picture because the way her hair is styled makes her look bald lol but this is the best i could find in a pinch
RainyDayHype, for some reason I was thinking you were Native American with black hair and tan skin... I don't remember what I'm going off of for that though.
Rainny , you and grandma's face are pleasantly roundish and kindly . In a family photo , I'm the odd duck . Culturally tho , Ma influenced me a lot with her Scottish singing from her mother's tradition . This has proved good , I think . It's of a rhythm .
I look like scratchos mom During the first world war she was a nurse in france where my great great grandfather was stationed, she offered him nookie for a jar of pickles and a loaf of bread. She got pregnant, but had to give up the child, my great grandfather who was then raised in Australia Scratcho doesnt know, so dont anyone tell him
So does Nadal xD Anyways, I was told I resemble my grandmother, but I can only see traces http://oi65.tinypic.com/xaur2r.jpg
When we were looking through some old photographs, we came across a photo of my late mother (taken in 1907 when she was 4) The likeness to our eldest daughter when she was the same age is unbelievable.