Hello, some of mine smell really good and the haptic perception is quite pleasant. Some tell a story. Others are just... cuboids of dead trees. I like them . Regards Gyro
I don't like my books because I've read them all already. There are a few that I am willing to re-read. All in all, I'd like some new books though.
Hello, yepp. I have one that smells like peppermint. I'm not sure if that's the printer's ink or if the book has been cleaned or processed somehow (I bought it at an antiquarian bookshop). Regards Gyro
Hello, same here. But my books to read list contains 404 items at the moment. So, no shortage here . Regards Gyro
My thumb must perspire when I read and on a lot of must books is a clear yellow stain down where I hold the pages. So when I look at the book face on with the white pages the middle is all discoloured.
I also get food on my books. Most of them are young adult books, I seem to always lend my good books to people who never return them.
Hello, yepp, same thing with tools and other more or less rare items. I learned it the hard way. Regards Gyro
Ha, ha..did you misspell "books?" Anyway, I use a Kindle app and read anything I want on PC, laptop, Gpad, etc. If I think of another book I want to read, I can buy with one click and download instantly, but most older books and classics are FREE on amazon.com
Hello, well, I don't like devices that gives a company control over what I read and where a company manipulates and deletes stuff from that device if they don't like it. I like the real stuff, I like books . Regards Gyro
I like real books as well. I have lost count on how many I own. I worked in a library for 35 years. I learned that books do go out of print. I also learned to never loan out a book that I had expectations of getting back. When the power goes out you can still read a book by candlelight. I already have issues reading text on computer screens. I would not want to have to rely on some device that will ruin my eyes. I like the real deal. :book:
Um, this IS 2013.. I have a 7" Gpad tablet that has hundreds of books on it. They are there for life, uploaded to all my devices and sync to each other, no company can take them away, LOL! I can lay in the hammock and read the books in the dark when the power goes out because it is self-lit, in fact I use the tablet as a flashlight when that happens! And if there is wi-fi nearby it connects automatically and I can check my email or open any number of apps while reading, or keep several books open at the same time! Kindle lets you use any size font, any background color, NO DUST, no storage problems, you can copy, underline, make notes in the margins, have hundreds of books on your devices to read any time you please, or instantly upload more, as you please. Paper books are SO last century!
My cheap little 7" Gpad is thin and light and I take it everywhere, read books while in the van traveling to the beach. If I wear earbuds I can listen to uploaded music, or to a radio station. It also connects to TV stations, and I can Skype my daughter in the US if the van stops somewhere with unprotected wi-fi for a rest stop. Last time I tried to read a paperback novel I brought from the US (The Firm), the sea salt dust in the pages blew in my face when I turned the pages, so I uploaded the book to the Gpad instead. The Gpad battery lasts all day, and I also use it in class in case students want to use the Thai-English dictionary, google something, or play a song on YouTube. But there are many tablet devices now and they keep getting cheaper!
I love books. I tend to get rid of most of them after I read them though otherwise I would need a bigger house. I share them with friends. There are some books that I keep. I have plenty on my bookshelf now that I have already read and a whole shelf that is to be read. I read both real books andnon my kindle. I do love real books but a kindle is very handy while traveling.
Hello, that is the consequence . And moving becomes a major PIT^Wfun. All this heavy boxes someone has to carry... I don't give books away, except those, that I lent to someone and then never saw again. My next house has enough space for a library, that's for sure. Regards Gyro