I love these 2 songs from Iraq! 32k: http://web.archive.org/web/20060527170648/http://song3.6rb.com/iraq/9la7-alba7r/9la7-alba7r_agla-alnas.rm 32K: http://web.archive.org/web/20041018232237/http://song3.6rb.com/iraq/9la7-alba7r/9la7-alba7r_ya7bib-alroo7.rm And this arabic song 32K: http://web.archive.org/web/20120725133129/http://al7an.org/songs/rm/arabic/2012/Ahmed_mekky_Aslo_3rby/09.Atr%20El%207ayah.rm Boy hearing these IN ANALOGUE would be awesome I think!! (Although hearing them 32k REAL is amazing also though) Music is not really about WORDS,its about the FEELING it creates
I cant open the files. To answer your question, no, I normally dont like songs in other languages..with the exception of middle eastern , Eastern indian and African .Its awesome.Some Native American isnt bad either.
I do. As long as the music appeals to me the language doesn't matter at all. But for me english is already an other language (albeit one of the few i can actually understand, and therefor matter more than lyrics i can't understand). What i dig about both eastern and middle eastern music is how much those vocal styles add to that typical cultural atmosphere of the music. Of course it's the language itself that adds to that, but also the vocal style. Maybe people there think the same when they hear western pop
I probably listen to about 50% english 50% other. I'm going to an icelandic show tonight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0025Z8r-Aw
You can't create a proper feeling without the proper words. Even if someone spoke Russian and tried to rock me out with a song about a crashing school bus, I bet they'd fail. I enjoy Native American music sometimes. I'm also a big fan of French. I think it's so beautiful. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8aPnm6lIWY The French part of this makes for just about my favorite song ever.
I like some songs which combine English + another language. There are not many songs which are in a different language which I enjoy though. http://youtu.be/8NsJ84YV1oA
I love basically all Italian music - opera, soft sweet ballads, whatev. Whenever I cook Italian food I play Italian music to create an atmosphere. I like some French music too but I can actually understand some French. Indian and middle eastern music is pretty awesome too. lyrics aren't THAT important to me - there are songs where I fall in love with the lyrics on a poetic level but then there are songs that even in English just sound like jibber jabby but the melody is so sweet it doesn't matter.
"You can't create a proper feeling without the proper words." I completly disagree. Example..much classical has no words at all. I dont like music in certain languages, not because I might not understand the words, bit because the language does not lend well to phrasing or the language is just..eh, too harsh. Not appealing to my ear.
Thank you Briezie13 for the mesmerizing, mysterious, beautiful music. The dance Irina does in post 3 is amazing. As far as the Polynesian music--I never really got into it until I lived in Hawaii. Then I understood why it is what it is.
Thing is neon, I dont have to understand the words to appreciate the entire piece at its fullest. Most of the songs I play even, I dont know the words to.But if the overall sound of them with the music isnt pleasing, I dont really want to play the tune.
http://youtu.be/gAzWrrjQG6E When someone has such a beautiful voice as this, I want to hear more, no matter the language.
Mhmm. I like when my Nordic metal is sung in Norwegian or Swedish. Plus Koorpiklaani can Finnish all day.