I'm awake in eternity and I hate it. I know way too much and I can't live with it and I can't accept it. But I know who I am (worthless, nothing to get excited about). Did you wake up, remember and find out who you "truly" are yet?
It's entirely possible we are all in the matrix for real.... (some scientists do believe that.) Anyways..... Yea, um, I believe I'm a human by the name I was given when I was born. But yes, ......carry on.
Have you met your twin yet? They're called twin soul or twin flame. We're all connected to our twin, from within. http://www.soulevolution.org/twinflames/twinflames.htm
I don't get into matrix stuff. I don't believe in it. I think humanity was badly psychologically harmed by the movie, The Matrix. And I think television / radio / internet (telecommunications) has had a detrimental effect on our minds (think: Poltergeist.. girl gets sucked into the tv and trapped!). That's what I think of "matrix". You're more than human. We are not our bodies. Every BODY dies, but WE don't die. The human body is just a temporary vehicle.
I enjoy being a libran wood dragon, whether there's a stitch of truth to astrology or not. Every now and then in life we are offered chances to be more who we truly are and we get more life in those moments than in the gaps between.
Hello dragon.. I'm the red fire dragon! It's only an aspect of our beingness I understand what you mean. Life is more real when we're authentic. I think so, anyway.
I cradle monsters, you know. They *love* me. I take them in my arms, caress their lovely faces and I give them love. Love, not sex. It's the care-giver in me.. the nature of woman.
I can't resist, considering that intelligent perception is sensed by the bodily Organ for all time, not just now; I was only temporally existing then essentially not What I thought. The MATRIX!!:devil:
When I wake up, I usually have wood, then go rub one out Usually about that time I find thyne ownself
I know myself pretty well.Have put in my stint of soul-searching.I am somewhat susceptible to delusions though.I spend lot of time thinking about the past.I can mimetically recall whole situations and conversations from years ago.I think and dream about my dead Mother a lot.I guess you would call it self-remembering.I'm happier when I'm living in the moment and time passes quickly.I've had an unlucky life in a lucky kind of way.The weight of consciousness though sometimes exhausts me - thus my periods of indulging in drugs and alcohol.Sometimes though,I feel truly blessed,and I am thankful for that.
I'm often allergic to conscious awareness. It can be too excruciating. We sleep .. wake up .. then go back to sleep... but I think some people never return to sleep. And some never wake up. Memorial phonetic: me more real.
Don't they say... "Keep the company of those who seek the truth, and run away from those who have found it"