Not so much but when I was "underage" I got hit on by older women all the time. It was annoying and amusing at the same time. I wish I would have been smart enough to hit more of that back then.
Did they know you were underage? Also if you hit on older people when you were underage I'd like to hear about that too. I'm glad I was smart enough to ignore any adult person who hit on me when I was underage.
I don't get hit on often - I don't think. About 5 yrs ago(I was 40), while going through the line at Kroger the cashier looked to be 18 or younger. I was getting wiper blades for my wife's car. The young lady said, "oh, putting new wipers on your car?". I said that they were for my wife's car. She said, "my ex-boyfriend never did that for me. You are not only cute, but you are nice. Are you in a happy marriage?". So I said back, "I..uh..I um. Yes. I..duh..have a nice day." And took off. I really don't think that she thought I was cute and at first I didn't think she was hitting on me, but every time she saw me in there she would make a point of getting my attention to say something to me even when she was ringing up someone else's groceries - and she started giving seductive winks. I didn't take any chances - I started going to another kroger store. Summary: -I think I got hit on, but I'm not sure. She could have just been friendly and socially immature. -I turned down the perceived flirt by saying, "I..uh..I um. Yes. I..duh..have a nice day.", and escaping to my car.
i don't know, i'm pretty terrible at picking up on signals. there was a 16 year old girl that i worked with back when i was about 26 that i'm 99% sure was into me. she never explicitly hit on me though, so i just pretended to be oblivious.
my experience with underage guys is pretty much limited to the cashiers who ring me up at the grocery store, and they don't ever hit on me. The bag boy did ask me who I was going drink my wine with once - maybe that counts?
I am a huge hit with toddlers. They seem to sense that I am maternal and literally drown me in affection.
Lol there are a few younger boys at our yacht club. I've known them forever, since they were (even younger) little kids. They're now in the range of 16-18, and total hornballs. The other day, one had the audacity to invite me to dinner in front of my fiancé lol! I said, no thanks Jailbait. My fiancé was annoyed, he said "you wouldn't know what to do with her". I'm usually nice to them, because I don't want to give them any complexes or anything - you now, impressionable minds. But I make it clear there is no way in hell I would touch them. 18+ up ok though hahha
Yeah...I think it's different if they are kinda subtle about it, but it's pretty disturbing when they are really obscene about it and/or persistent about it.
Well...I think more of teenagers and not even elementary schoolers cause they don't really have the sexual comments and stuff. Also, I've noticed that some people, well it seems to feed their ego to have underage kids hitting on them, but personally I don't like it and also I don't feel like I'm hot or attractive or anything of the sort unless someone I'm attracted shows interest in me in that way. So does it feed your guys' egos?