When you are staying overnight at you partners place and have sex right before bed, what do you put on afterwards and why? Does this change depending on how long you know the person?
I find it incredibly sexy to remain naked with my partner all night after sex; However, only one or two people I have been with feel the same. The norm seems to be to at least put on underwear after sex and before falling asleep. What aresoe of your thoughts?
Nothing, i love sleeping naked after sex. Naked bodies touching as you sleep or turning over feels amazing. Its easy to get things going again.
I'm a naturist at heart anyway, so I love for both of us to stay naked. It also more easily allows for morning sucking by one or the other, maybe even while the suckee is still asleep, and hopefully leading to fucking.
I guess this all depends right? I like to wear satin or silk lingerie when i have sex with a guy. If it comes off during sex i will then stay naked with him if i get to stay overnight. If it stays on during sex i will leave it on to sleep over night. If i had a choice i would leave it on as I feel very sexy with it and hey let's be real, if i am staying overnight there won't be much sleeping
As other people said, staying naked is a golden opportunity to stir things up again. Dicks can get hard pretty easily again with just a few touches shared by a couple of naked bodies.