For me:- Information is Important My thinking = Be aware of the topic, Consider the content, Question the report/s, Judge upon the facts and education of that which you learned - Believe only what you know - Thoughts?
just like scientific literature, we cannot always know first hand about what they are talking about. we have to consider the sources, how they came to a perticular conclusion, and also peer review.
Wolf angel, i do not believe the news, i do not watch the news. The only news i truly trust is good news.
I don't believe anything corporations tell me. Since when do corporate interests want the truth revealed? The media serves only to keep people in the dark and perpetually confused.
The only news to halfway trust is the financial news, just for the fact that they are somewhat beholden to the investors and stockholders. If you can read between the hype, it can give a better idea the actual state of the world than most others. 'Democracy now' ain't bad though. Amy Goodman rocks!
there is no truth in the truth and no news in the news. that used to be a famous russian expression. today it is just as true in america. what is the difference between a media controlled by the government, and a media controlled by a very few heads of industry, who control the government? the methods may not be the same, but the results certainly are. (of course the famous old russian saying was because news was the name of the state run news agency, and truth the name of its media outlet. the american equivelant was introduced with u.s.a. today, and fox news.)