Do you believe that we can manifest certain things into our lives?

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by nimh, Jan 9, 2005.

  1. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    HippieInMyHead~wow, that's an amazingly powerful tale! thank you for sharing that. so beautiful.....
  2. gate68

    gate68 Senior Member

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    gobblygook, voooodo ,christianity, manifisation, black magic,hopefull thinking,it's all the same crap.Realty is real,hair is real,shit is real,everything else is humanistic ego.We don't have anymore say in what happens then my dog does.......
  3. dweezil111

    dweezil111 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I am a firm believer in manifesting our desires. If you want to try to do it in your life start by replacing the words, "I wish", "maybe it will", and "I hope" with the word "it will" this is a much more powerful statement and as long as you believe that what you want will manifest itself than it will. If you are interested in meditation try Dr. Wayne Dyers Meditations for Manifesting. There are 2 guided meditations for morning and evening on it and I have found great success using these.
  4. urbangal

    urbangal Member

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    Hm. Yes, I'd say I believe that we can manifest our desires/dreams. We however must remain patient when asking for them to become a reality. While some wishes (like world peace, religious tolerance, etc) need more than just one person's heart desire, like the voice in the movie "Field of Dreams": If you build it, it will come
  5. forestcreature

    forestcreature Member

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    yes i believe so that all thought is creatve. belief imparts reality. action follows thought. like when i think of someone that i miss and all of a sudden they appear that day or the next day it happens to me all the time.
  6. Demon Sweat

    Demon Sweat Banned

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    No wonder it rained kibble yesterday! :D
  7. Mystic Echo

    Mystic Echo Member

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    I believe that yes, we ourselve can manifests our Destiny. I do not believe that there is anyone that can more than we, ourselves. The Power of The Mind and Soul are Infinite. If U have a dream- it is up to you to fulfill it or, remain unfulfilled.
    Many times, I think about how much this is true- especially when I am having the not so best day.
    We have Free Will and Our Life is Our indeed -Our Life. That is why the power of positive energy is limitless to those who desire.
    To whom much is given, much is required....
    You can fuse this all with; faith, good vibes, perception, intuition and love. All these things are important to the Soul that decides to Guide their Life into Prosperity and Success.
    I am reminded of a story of 2 people that are stricken with the same terminal disease.
    The positive person who desires to live and believes that they will, gets better and does- in fact, heal themself, recovering miraculously with no trace of their illness.
    The other person despairs, loses hope, becoming sad and more depressed dies a horrible and sudden death.

    Life- Your Life is all what U make it and Desire it to Be.
  8. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    Mystic Echo~that was beautiful. :D thank you.
  9. Mystic Echo

    Mystic Echo Member

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    Thank you- :)
    (Blushes) :&

    I love the thread! thank you for coming up with it- a friendly reminder to Manifest Positivity, Peace and Prosperity!

  10. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    ~manifest love~
  11. prismatism

    prismatism loves you

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    nothing exists in life that you do not believe. if you didn't believe it existed, it wouldn't. and you can't truly believe in something that doesn't exist. somewhat redundant, but think about it.

    my whole life i've been an anti-christianity taoist. this year i started to incorporate god into my life, and pray, and every single prayer has been answered. the trick is not to ask for something, it's to thank the universe in advance because you KNOW it will always give you exactly what you need. then think about what is going on in your life, realize how you asked for it, and it will be easier to see what is most beneficial to do next.

    as far as completely manifesting fantasies into reality, as in, making your imaginary pet dragon real... it's possible, but hard, because it's not something your mind wants to believe. so you're asking "is it possible?" instead of saying "not only is it possible, it has already happened". that's what jesus did. it takes incredibly strong faith. but you're always believing in some form of reality, so you might as well learn to make it the one you want.
  12. THUDLY

    THUDLY Member

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    There are no coincidences.
  13. justsherri

    justsherri North Country Grl

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    I keep finding your post's Nimh and I think we have jumped on the same cloud. I am a firm believer that we create our reality with our thoughts. Some good reading on the subject is Shakti Gawains Creative Visualization, Manifest Your Destiny Wayne Dyer and anything by Abraham-Hicks, (just to name the most popular). I am going to school to be an existential therapist, I want to help people find there life purpose and create a more positive and harmonious reality that is alighned with there desires.
  14. ChinaCatSunflower02

    ChinaCatSunflower02 Senior Member

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    i've been thinking about this lately too. how usually the worriers worry because the bad things they worry about happen to them, which makes them worry more, and the cycle goes on.

    and then there's those people that don't have a care in the world or a worry about anything and cruise right through life
  15. nimh

    nimh ~foodie~

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    seems like i'm full of book reccomendations tonight: here's my book recc for this thread

    _excuse me your life is waiting_ by lynn grabhorn

    it's all about feeling good positive feelings about the things that you want to manifest into your life. you need the ~feeling~ to manifest. so, if you're feeling longing, misery, etc, you'll end up manifesting more of that into your life. if you're feeling love, gratitude, pleasure, that's what you'll get more of. 'we attract to us what we are' and 'what we pay attention to we get more of'
  16. Orange Sunshine Vet

    Orange Sunshine Vet Member

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    well said nimh

    In my experience I notice the words that I use have brought to me or lead me to what ever I asked for. People seem to talk about magic, catalysts, crystals and many other material things that bring them luck, things etc.... Well I know that it is the words we use, even how and what types of words we use. That is the illusive trick of Magic, so to speak. Magic = words = magic +/-

    Maybe there's a sinister reason behind why there are 650,000 words in the English languish. Seems to me a persons vocabulary is what directs there/our lives. I feel and believe that the words we adopt into our lives from day one can completely transform your life for good or bad. Assuming we don't get caught up in that emotional brainwashing the TV kids succumb to.

    Words of wisdom:
    Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against your self or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

    Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with other as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
    Toltec Wisdom

    From The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
  17. onelovemission

    onelovemission Member

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    Yup! Though directs energy so keep positive and send out positive vibes...
  18. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    About 20 million people hoped with all their will that they'd win the lottery on saturday...... one person did.

    tens of thousands died from poverty in the third world yesterday.... not a single loaf of bread or blanket magically appeared.....

    it takes more than just belief to get wot ya want.....
  19. Orange Sunshine Vet

    Orange Sunshine Vet Member

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    Aw but each individual was focusing on there numbers only. Did greedy thoughts cancel out there original intent. Or to many minds focusing on the balls to influence the out come for them.

    Sad but true; I would guess that, unfortunately for them they where brought up in that part of the world where this is all they know, and what they expect. There more focused on survival and this state of mind clouds them from learning what people are starting to realize in other parts of the world. There governments dirty trick played on them.

    The magic of words only works on the individual that uses them. we direct our own life, although others can influence us or trick us into believing otherwise.

    One must stay focused>> But in todays world, work, house payments, rents, food, bills, wants and keeping up with the Jones etc...etc... can be overwhelming for most.
    Leaves them with little time to contemplate and hone there natural born abilities. But this Governments dirty trick played on us is slavery of the mind, lots of folks in the new world are slaves to there homes, food, cars/gas, etc... AND the great teacher TV

    It seems where are born naked and empty of experiences. It is up to the individual to learn certain paths in life. who's to know what is the "true" path! With all the dis information, mixed information constantly being placed in front of us to sift through.

    Once we reach old age, what counts should be what we learned, not what monetary or material things we acquired along the way. We can take knowledge with us but you cant take the material things.
  20. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    by this rational, only the "good thinkers of pure thoughts" win the lottery? hardly. I doubt there isn't a person on these boards who hasn't thought of some good they could do if they had more money than they could possibly need... be it helping an ill relative...donating to a charity or simply investing money in "green" companies etc.... simple good intentions and the "will" for something doesn't make it happen..... i've yet to see a lottery winner use their entire fortune to help others, have you?

    when you are lying on the open ground, willing with all your being that you won't starve/freeze to death you damn sure ain't thinking about overthrowing a government......and those who watch them bury corpses in mass graves apparently don't think those governments should be overthrown either.....or are there other factors that define "belief manifesting certain things" that i ain't counting into the equation here? you seem to have predermined prerequisites about belief.... that it'll work more effectively in one situation than another...... and the ethical implication a power of belief effects it's own effect.....and sorry, but humanity has already been discussing the ethics involved forever, and i have no doubt will continue to do so.

    the magic of words only works on those willing to assimilate those words and let those words affect their every day lives and thought processes...... yes, some are easily influenced, and others easily tricked...... but when you are talking about belief, you should really start thinking of people as individuals, and not sheep from some orwelian nightmare..... people, as a whole, may share a lot of common habits and beliefs, but everyone has their own thoughts and beliefs based on how they, as individuals, see the world around them, and their own place in it.

    overwhelming for some, millions of people live like that, a lifestyle we can only assume they are happy/hope to find happiness in :) For some, that lifestyle just doesn't work, and that's fine, as humans we have the ability to adapt, and the intelligence to change our environment if we want to....but just because some choose to live outside of the mainstream, it doesn't mean that those who do live in the mainstream are wrong :)

    this is just insulting to the intelligence of need to research why social stereotypes exist before you blame outside influences on other peoples lifestyles...... you'll learn a lot about human nature while you do it :)

    exactly, there is no "true path" just an infinite number of paths, and most people find the one that works for them........ and for some it's the white picket fence, house mortgaged to the hilt, 9-5 job and 2.4 kids.... and that's fine, it's not a "wrong path" because it works for them..... for others it's setting up a hospital in New Dehli and caring for the poor and sick all your life... for others it's living in a delirium with a dirty syringe sticking in your vein.... horses for courses..... if yer can't (or don't want to) keep up on one... change course and run on another

    wot use is knowledge if all you are going to rely on is belief to make things happen? gettin' off your arse and using the knowledge you've aquired seems a far more effective (and not to mention, actually having a chance of being reliable) way off gettin' things done to can wish for the moon all you want, but the only realistic way you'll get there is if you get your butt moving, join nasa and spend a good portion of your life training to be an astronaught ;)

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