Do you believe in the mark of a man being the cut of time?

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by bourne1978, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. bourne1978

    bourne1978 Members

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    Not the number of the beast (666), but the number of a man (616)?

    I don't believe the mark of a man is 666. Why? No such man has that as a day of a month mark that is, say, his birth day. But 616 could be a mark, since it is short for 6-16 (June 16th).

    Question: What can make a number a mark?

    Answer: A day of a month! Like a birth day. That can make a number a mark.

    The number of the beast is 666, but the number (this one is different. Maybe it is representing numbness) of a man is 616.

    The b e a s t = my w o r d s shall not pass away.

    Six hundred threescore and six might mean two Incestuous sex in a 3-way.

    But 616 might mean 16th day of June (that day and hour a.k.a. that time heaven and earth pass away).
  2. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    What if they just accidently wrote it upside down, and everybody just reads it the wrong way?

  3. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    After Cain slew his brother Abel, God set a "mark" on him, and sent him to the land of wandering. Cain began a society in opposition to the laws of Yehovah,
    a world system which continues to our day,
  4. McFuddy

    McFuddy Visitor

    Do you believe that?
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Do other creatures on the planet communicate with numbers or assign numbers to things? NO, they do not.

    People use numbers to code in private communication......I first learned of this on the last forum I was at.....and I studied it to understand it...and to understand specifically someone I really cared about and what they were really saying. I learned to understand didn't understand them....and they kept using the same numbers over and over beyond coincidence in the times of their posts, etc. It drove me kind of insane, too....I did not like it. It has been a hard road back to I continue to come back from all of that coding...

    Why bother being on a public forum to code to only one person?....go private with them then instead of trying to drag everyone else with you.

    For this reason, I learned to hate numbers...and only like them to know things....measurements....oh, it is that many dollars...oh, 3 kittens......3 pigs....3 bears....and btw, i hated the number 3 for that is the 3's a crowd knid of thing....oh, I weigh that amount, it is back to the basics with numbers for me.....

    Only man assigns numbers to things.......nature does not.

    i prefer to know someone by what they say and what they do....I am never going to try to figure someone out through numbers anymore. It literally drove me to the brink of, as I found out. they were insane themselves.
  6. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    What does “cut of time” mean?
  7. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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  8. Running Horse

    Running Horse A Buddha in hiding from himself

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    This guy is going to be so depressed when no one gets what he was going for.
    wilsjane likes this.
  9. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I saw 666.....616 being the cut of man...bull I responded, NO!

    ain't going down that insane road EVER again.
  10. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Animals use numbers. For instance a whales clicks and pulses. Lions know their numbers in the pride and will attack those they outnumber.
  11. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Not in the same way.....Lions know there are more than there should be....not 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and sam

    not in the same way as mind f'ers...who I really do not like at all.
  12. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    I use numbers all the time in measurement and calculations. So to me, assigning them to a particular function is just creepy.
    Leaving me hardly surprised that people with this obsession have few friends and resort to spamming on the internet.

    It is almost as bad as working with a carpenter who is obsessed with hammers being used to kill people. Needless to say, I would not want to fall asleep while he was working.

    Put the whole thing out of your mind. It is just rubbish, perpetuated by people who feel that it gives them a perverted sense of power.

    I an not saying that the author of this thread falls into this category.
    He has probably just got sucked in, like you did in the past and plenty more people will do in the future..
  13. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Even more depressed if he reads my reply to Moonglow. LOL.
  14. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    People on this site probably only care about 420 and 710
  15. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    You can have some harmless fun with a numbers quiz though. It can be absolutely endless when you include things like the number of rivets used to construct the Titanic.

    1) 16 O in a P = 16 Ounces in a Pound

    2) 10 C = 10 Commandments

    3) 9 P in the S S = 9 Planets in the Solar System

    4) 4 H of the A = 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

    5) 2000 L U the S = 2000 Leagues Under the Sea

    6) 1001 C a B B C = 1001 Cleans a Big Big Carpet

    7) 7 S on a F P P = 7 Sides on a Fifty Pence Piece

    8) 13 L in a B D = 13 Loaves in a Bakers Dozen

    9) 64 S on a C B = 64 Squares on a Chess Board

    10) 180 M S at D = 180 Maximum Score at Darts

    11) 168 H in a W = 168 hours in a Week

    12) 76 T in the B P = 76 Trombones in the Big Parade

    13) 12 M of a J = 12 Members of a Jury

    14) 54 C in a P of P C = 54 Cards in a Pack of Playing Cards

    15) 360 D in a C = 360 Degrees in a Circlet

    16) 2468 W D W A = 2,4,6,8 Who Do We Appreciate

    17) 3 C in the F = 3 Coins in the Fountain

    18) 57 H V = 57 Heinz Varieties

    19) 1815 B of W = 1815 Battle of Waterloo

    20) 66 B of the B = 66 Books of the Bible

    21) 24 C means P G = 24 Carat means Pure Gold

    22) 29028 H of E in F = 29028 Height of Everest in Feet

    23) 147 M S at S = 147 Maximum Score at Snooker

    24) 7 B for S B = 7 Brides for Seven Brothers

    25) 80 D A the W = 80 Days Around the World

    26) 1666 G F of L = 1666 Great Fire of London

    27) 12 D in a G = 12 Dozen in a Gross

    28) 10 G B H on a W = 10 Green Bottles Hanging on a Wall

    29) 2 L B E = 2 Lovely Black Eyes

    30) 101 D = 101 Dalmatians

    31) 192 D E = 192 Directory Enquiries

    32) 366 D in a L Y = 366 Days in a Leap Year

    33) 659 M of P = 659 Members of Parliament

    34) 200 P for P G in M = 200 Pounds for Passing Go in Monopoly

    35) 12 S of the Z = 12 Signs of the Zodiac

    36) 2 H are B T O = 2 Hands are Better Than One

    37) 225 S on a S B = 225 Squares on a Scrabble Board

    38) 21 S on a D = 21 Spots on a Dice

    39) 5 G R = 5 Gold Rings

    40) 3 B M (SHTR) = 3 Blind Mice (See How They Run)

    41) 2001 S O = 2001 Space Odyssey

    42) 64000 D Q = 64000 Dollar Question

    43) 1215 S of the M C = 1215 Signing of the Magna Carta

    44) 4 L C = 4 Leaf Clover

    45) 284 T S IN L= 284 Tube Stations in London

    46) 15 M on a D M C = 15 Men on a Dead Mans chest

    47) 4 S by V = 4 Seasons by Vivaldi

    48) 1 M and H D = 1 Man and His Dog

    49) 18 H in a R of G= 18 Holes in a round of Golf

    50) 60 M in a H = 60 Minutes in an Hour

    51) 93 M M to the S = 93 Million Miles to the Sun

    52) 12 D of C = 12 Days of Christmas

    53) 39 S = 39 Steps

    54) 3 S to H = 3 Steps to Heaven

    55) 1760 Y in a M = 1760 Yards in a Mile

    56) 212 D F is the B P of W = 212 Degrees Farenheight is the Boiling Point of Water
    Orison likes this.
  16. relaxxx

    relaxxx Senior Member

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    It's a human number. Iron Maiden says so.

    Orison likes this.
  17. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    well, yeah, I use numbers, measure I mentioned...normal every day stuff.....
    I was not suckered in....I cared too much and wanted to understand what this person was communicating.....It was a dark road....too dark...and a long road back from, it,t possibly my fault was caring too much, is all......
  18. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I get 420 having something to do with marijuana...but what is the 710 for? I stopped liking the number 7 at this forum.......just like my last forum made me hate the number 5.
    I would think that 46 was big in this place...."for sex."
    BeatinFeet69 likes this.
  19. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    710 is OIL -another cannabis product..
  20. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    The only thing I associate 710 with is quarter midget sprint cars.

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