don't really have the option here. no recycling centers within about 50 miles. the city used to have a recyclable drop off point until last fall, but they got rid of it because it was losing too much money. i suppose i do tend to reuse things whenever possible, although that is at least as much for saving myself money and time as it is for saving the environment.
Yes. Whenever I think about all the landfills in the world I get some serious anxiety. I don't like to throw away anything. I compost, recycle, upcycle, hand down, thrift, etc...i dont like buying brand new things because i feel rampant consumerism is super wasteful and unless there is no way it can be recycled or reused I try my best not to trash anything.
i do the best i can to recycle. old id cards, insurance information and such, i burn it in the wood stove, yes even if its july.
I even recycle Iminmyunderwears old jokes. But yeah, I support recycling. There are a lot of people, and it'd be nice if our grandkids didn't have to dig through our junk because we couldn't recycle any aluminum. I also try to consume less. I haven't even showered today. Fact. :biggrin:
Yes, my dad is an environmentalist (he headed up projects for government planes making them less ozone depleting). Its ingrained in me. I think the country who recycles most is Sweden. Obviously they're a very small country compared to USA, but comparatively better at reusing their waste. Interesting article about it:
lol used baggies, me too. yes i do...cans, copper, scrap metal. but.. i reuse all kinds of stuff....just raised that way.
certainly. i support reuse and reusability even more though. if a function becomes obsolete, and an object that performed that function is durable and out lives it, such an object can always be modified and readopted in some way. there comes a point though, when one's personal accumulation overwhelms one's available space. this particularly becomes a problem with the amount of packaging today, and so little of it designed to be durable in any useful way. (though far too durable in non-useful ones). unfortunately, politics plays a major role in even opportunities to do the right thing. and the influence of economic interests, a disproportionate role in politics. so every week, out goes tons of heavy paper and celo wrap and also food waste and even glass containters. this is because i live in a city, which charges extra my housemates refuse to pay, or bother to sort. if i lived by myself or in a number of other circumstances, organic waste would all be composted. and a lot more packaging would find ways of being reused. and maybe even the incoming flood of packaging could be reduced somewhat. this is one thing i tend to feel a little helpless about, as its not my house and i don't own a car. but then by not owning a car, i am using public transportation, that a lot more people get a lot more use and reuse out of, for far less consumption of energy and realestate, then is consumed for everyone to drive their own car. support by voting and signing petitions? absolutely every way i can there. and boycotting the big name miscreants like off the wall mart too. i also use my own canvas shopping bags. not only for environment, but simply because their durability is necessitated by the walk to and from public transit.
I do recycle but at times I am frustrated as much of what we do recycle still ends up in landfill due to there not being enough facilities that handle the material properly.
Been a lil while since I had any drug baggies but... I was pretty sure that when I had them that I was the only person that recycled them. lol.
I have recycled the same route plenty of times, but really I enjoy exploring new routes more than just cycling the same route over and over again.
Lots of places can't recycle plastic bags, I know that here they would end up in the garbage even if I recycled them.
Same here and I always forget to take my reusable bags to the grocery store so I have a cupboard full of plastic bags making me feel guilty and shit. I know there is a grocery store here that will take them back but they only take their own bags and I have a wide assortment from various stores.
I always reuse my plastic bags as often as I can. This means that in the end one of my friends where we chill the most gets a full cupboard
I do the same thing, but end up using them when I scoop out my rabbit cage, so they at least get re-used once before going to the dump. I try and remember to leave the re-usable bags in front of the door as soon as I unpack them, so that I bring them to the car next time I go out. Seems to work.