Do My Dreads Look Alright? Dread Anxiety...

Discussion in 'Dreadlocks' started by flowergirl42, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. flowergirl42

    flowergirl42 Members

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    I began the process of dreading my hair 6 days ago. I used twist n rip method, and a sort-of brick-like separation pattern (but the sections are not rectangular, more round). i have about 45-55 dreads on my head, my hair is fine and straight but quite thick. i just wanted to get some opinions on how it looks currently, whether i did something wrong or whatever, just to make sure i'm on the road to dread success. i have pretty bad anxiety and, though i love dreads and have always wanted them, i'm constantly worrying the roots will grow together, my hair get all broken and damaged, there will be bald spots, etc. and that i will have to cut my hair off.
    i've attached some images of my dreads and roots from various angles. any advice or input on how they're doing for only being 6 days old would be great :) and if you notice anything i appear to be doing wrong, please point it out to me. i just recently washed them for the first time using nylon stockings to cover them and a clarifying soap.
    thank you so much for all your help to relieve my constant worrying guys
  2. Blu3sLady

    Blu3sLady Members

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    Love the look, hun! Wish I was brave enough to do it. I would but they tell me that once you get dreads that the only way to remove them is to cut off your hair.

    You're a cutie. You'd be beautiful even if you had to be bald.
  3. Ashalicious

    Ashalicious Senior Member

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    I don't know much about the dreading process, but based on what I see in the pictures you've posted, I think your dreads are coming along quite nicely, and look great so far.
  4. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I don't know... Should you really do that to your beautiful hair? Lol. Not my thing I guess. What do I know...
  5. HollowedHermit

    HollowedHermit Members

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    You did them kinda loose, but they will tighten. Palm roll lots. Some salt water helps. Remember you cant wash with normal shampoo now, ALL of them leave residue even if they say they dont. Buy some dollylocks, contrary to popular belief, you should wash every three days. the oils will keep them from locking
  6. quark

    quark Parts Unknown

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    They are fine.

    The twist n' rip method is great, that's what I used. Yours actually look better than mine when I first started.

    There's no need to worry about the roots joining together disastrously. When the roots join up and form and ultimately end up forming a larger dread, it's called a "congo". The process of congoing actually takes an enormous amount of time and is certainly not something that would happen over night... Sure it may happen a bit quicker for young ones, but we're still talking a few months before anything even gets serious in the terms of a congo forming.

    Your hair will not get severely broken or damaged and there is no need to worry about bald spots. As for cutting your hair off, when I cut mine (after 5 years) I had to get my hair cut pretty short to make sure that new healthy hair would grow in.

    For washing, I used some weird kind of fragrance free shampoo as well as a bit of normal shampoo. There are certain "purists" out there that will tell you about the evils of using regular shampoo with dreads, but it's a load of crap... Also, if you ever come across dread wax, it's also a load of crap as well as counterproductive (it keeps the hair from locking together because it keeps it moist and gross). The rubber bands are counterproductive as well, but yours are new so I can understand why you'd do it (they end up prolonging the locking process near the roots which is a pretty important point down the road).

    You'll experience them falling out (very slightly and only in the beginning) and looking like shit some days (once again, only in the beginning). But after that, it's smooth sailing and you'll have awesome hair.
  7. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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  8. HollowedHermit

    HollowedHermit Members

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    You shouldnt use normal shampoo because it will leave a residue thats hard to wash out and can cause molding in your locks which will make them smell bad
  9. Rivehn

    Rivehn Member

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    Awsome! just wait till a year or so goes by there going to look so good.
  10. porkman420

    porkman420 Members

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    keep it up

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