I know almost every woman thinks he's adorable and hilarious, but I never hear guys say anything about him. How about the guys here, do you think he's funny? Do you not like him? Or do you guys here have no opinion about him one way or another? I only ask because I'm watching SNL right now, and got to wondering. I'm glad he's leaving the show. I think he could do better.
I cannot stand his comedy. He can't even do weekend update on SNL right... I miss the Denis Miller days.
I see. Yeah, it annoys me how he can't go through a skit without laughing, but I do think he can be funny. I love when he does his song parodies, and his stand-up shows are hilarious. I just don't think sketch comedy is his niche. And... LOL! Best response ever.
I'll quote a male I know. "I hate Jimmy Fallon." To me, his humor is progressively going downhill. I don't hate him, but I am glad to hear he is leaving. The cast lacks....something. It needs to be spiced up a bit, and hopefully his leave will put someone more charismatic in place.
I agree, SNL does need spicing up. I think it needs new writers more than anything. Well...I suppose it's a combination of needing both a better cast and better writers, because all in all it's just NOT funny. Good luck to Jimmy anyhow.