Sex should put a smile on anyone's face. Comfort is the attitude to be appreciated while screwing all day. I actually what comes from a whole day
I think the real question is "Can a guy have sex the whole day?" It's a little easier for a girl than a guy if you know what I mean.
I don't think either can. A whole day is a long time. I've had a man who was very hot. We'd have sex several times a day and when we weren't working, like on holidays, we'd quite often spend the day in bed, having sex. But it wasn't the whole day. We'd fuck, play video games, fuck, play video games, repeat...
One day on the planet Venus is 116 earth days 18 earth hrs. Better take some snacks.
First of all, a guy couldn't last all day if I've done my job. There's no way! Secondly, I'm not sure what the OP means by having sex all day. Just naked in bed? Or 8 hours of humping and grinding? I know I couldn't handle being penetrated all day. I would be rubbed raw on the insides and painfully sore the next day. I have absolutely no idea how the porn girls can go at it day after day.
Can a girl do the in-out thing all day non-stop. No, of course not. neither can a guy. Can a girl fool around and participate n various sexual activities that are both interesting and erotic???? You bet we can!!
i think the only guy who could last all day would be porn legend peter north- im sure all the ladies on here would love to find out