I am not talking about chubby, I am talking morbidly obese A person has a mirror and they can see that they are getting heavier, does it not calculate in their brain to eat less and exercise to either stay the same or reduce.. Do they not care? or is the food addiction that strong?
I don't think a lot of people realize that they are getting fat until they are already fat. Or they were fat since childhood, maybe.
It's not like it happens over night... very gradual changes in most cases so it is harder to notice I would think.
I guess if it's a gradual thing - i.e. over-eating, lack of exercise and indeed age - everyday, looking in the mirror sees little (daily) change. Photographs (e.g. Annual) are more striking Some 'lose the will' or is a reaction to loss/tragedy I have seen And there are others - which don't care -for no good reason - There are also those however, to whom a Medical condition takes over any will and desire - so for those it must be a double mental anguish - and to those I feel for
Sprint phone service fucking sucks. This is the third time I've typed this message only to lose it when I hit send. I keep forgetting to copy it before sending. I know people with depression who are overweight. They have suffered very bad neglect and abuse. Weight loss is the last thing on their minds when they don't even feel like living. I know there are those who have overcome depression and I applaud them. However not everyone lives the same life with the same influences, support, resources or tools for coping. Everyone has a different brain and a different environment. My thumbs are stiff from typing, I wish there was a hell and sprint would go straight to it
fast-food addiction is no joke. I know some landwhales who just cant stop eating sugary shit..They just cant stop. I heard these type of addictions can be treated with naloxone. that substance is used to save the lives of ppl who are od ing on heroin. these two addictions effect the same receptors in the brain