Dolphins have been observed nibbling on pufferfish, which emit toxic chemicals believed to have psychotropic effects. The dolphins have been seen to pass the pufferfish around among themselves.. Scientists believe this may be similar to dogs and bears licking poisonous toads. "..don't Bogart that pufferfish my friend, pass it on over.... to me"
I don't know about that, but my cousin's boyfriend told her that dolphins build cities under the ocean and she believed it.
Dolphins are racist like humans. They kill other porpoise that look different. There is definitely a higher degree of intelligence then other animals. Sea world does not put in their brochure but they are also fond of rapping humans. They are not as cute and innocent as we are lead to believe.
Why would they? Are they racist against specific kinds of people? As long as they get high I'm sure we will get along :sunny:
Other animals get high, it would not surprise me however I have seen dolphins toy with other animals as well so I'm not convinced its what they are doing.