I'm Sure Even Someone As Brain Dead As A Supermodel Knows How To Use A Question Mark.... Cheers Glen.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA5bid5F2CE"]Question Mark & the Mysterians - Don't Give It Up Now (Lyres) - YouTube
Since this thread isnt about anything else.... Rubys current sig, seth and jason made me laugh But jonah hill made me think of bacon
I have modelled, but quit....so I was not laughing at them, as some super models do have brains. Glen just hit a funny bone at that moment in me. ...to come here and ask right off the bat "any supermodels here?" is trollish and offensive to me.
However, giving benefit to the doubt, once again...the person here asking may be a supermodel or model themself, and were just asking to connect with others....so there is that, too. I am a fair thinker, too. I am a shitty typer, BTW....but I can spell.