
Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Carlfloydfan, Apr 6, 2018.

  1. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    Hi folks,

    I am pretty sure I will soon have to deal with Divorce...any advice? My goal is not to be aggressive. I have had a ton of faults in this whole thing...I just want to move on. Hints?

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Sorry To Hear That.....Hope Everything Works Out Well For You......:smileycat:

    Cheers Glen.
  3. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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    Ya, I trust she will not make this difficult, it still sucks just the same and makes me think I am just better off on my own.
  4. Deidre

    Deidre Visitor

    If you feel it’s for the best, then just keep things friendly and wish her well. Of all the people I know who have been through divorces, the ones that made peace with it had the easiest ones. The ones that couldn’t let go, seemed to drag it out. I hope that it goes well and you both part ways on good terms.
    Joboo6 likes this.
  5. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Do you have kids?

    As someone who was a child of divorce, all I can say is, get along with your soon-to-be ex-spouse. When my parents first split, they were at each other's throats and it sucked for me. But once they cooled, and started getting along and became friends, life was easier for me.

    My two cents.
    scratcho likes this.
  6. wooleeheron

    wooleeheron Brain Damaged Lifetime Supporter

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    Don't Choke

    You got to know when to hold em,
    Know when to fold em,
    Know when to walk away,
    And know when to run.
    You never count your money,
    While, you're sitting at the table,
    They'll be time enough for counting,
    When the dealing's done.
    The mighty Cassey struck out at bat,
    Because, he took himself way too seriously.
    Find a way to center yourself, on a regular basis.
    Find someone, maybe anyone, that you can talk to,
    Think about your future, and don't dwell upon the past.
    (Kenny Rodgers)​
    BeatinFeet69 likes this.

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    ^^^...Love That Song......:smilecat:

    Cheers Glen.
    BeatinFeet69 and wooleeheron like this.
  8. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    No advice at this point. Just felt like saying its good to see you drop by again (but too bad you're in this particular situation!) :)
  9. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    do not let guilt rule the way your divorce goes....if you feel too much guilt you will give away too much in the split and regret the hell out of it later....i am not saying be a dick about shared custody of a goldfish...not like that....just don't give in out of guilt.....i did it...i regretted it

    good luck....make sure she knows the Floyd albums are yours :)

    obviously anythig i say should be taken with a grain of cannabis because i don't know how badly you messed up
    Irminsul likes this.
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    my advice is don't get married just to have sex, nor anyone you're not prepared to make a lifetime committment to.
    of course if the refuse to be considerate, believe it doesn't matter if they're married, or refuse to set an good example for their children and those children are total monsters,
    then yes, i'll conceed for either gender, there may come a time when the best thing you can do for each other is to bail.

    i would also suggest it better to part on friendly terms then making lawyers rich contesting anything.
    oh, and its not the little green pieces of paper that are unhappy.
  11. His Eden

    His Eden Queen of Mean

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    Be as civil as your soon to be ex is. If they are nice, be nice. If they want to be petty, or malicious, get a good lawyer and prepare for a fight. Divorces could, and should, be simple, but many people use past anger and resentment to punish the other person during a divorce. If you are both in agreement, work on keeping it that way. Pick your battles! If they want something that has no sentimental value to you, and you could replace, let them have it. Don't be petty, and ask for things just to piss off the other person. Try to remember that at one time you cared about the other person, and they you. A bitter divorce is costly, and emotionally draining. That is a feeling that lingers, and colors future relationships, often negatively. So, if you can be civil, it really is worth it in the end. You're both adults, so try to be mature about the parting of ways.

    If kids are involved, don't use them as pawns! Make the divorce as painless as possible for the sake of children! Kids should NEVER be used to hurt the other parent in a divorce! It is cruel and abusive, to say the least. Do what is best for the child/children, ALWAYS.

    Good luck! I hope you are one of the lucky ones who can make it through the process amicably.
  12. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    I dont believe anyone is ever truthful about why they get divorced, let alone why they get married

    WOLF ANGEL Senior Member - A Fool on the Hill Lifetime Supporter

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    Perhaps - For your consideration,
    Begin with listing your own faults, then “Make them your strengths, Armour yourself with them and it will never be used to hurt you.”
    (to somewhat paraphrase)
  14. mcme

    mcme lurker

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    Unfortunately, all the anger and resentment that built up and led to causing a divorce is going to rear it's ugly head. Do your best to choke down the urge to go tit for tat whenever it does and try and keep a kill her with kindness attitude until it's all over. It'll still suck, but you'll sleep at night.
  15. rollingalong

    rollingalong Banned

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    my reason for both are ''i didn't know any better''

    shouldn't have married and once i was i shouldn't have divorced
  16. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Divorce! I highly recommend it :)
  17. I'll Be Waiting

    I'll Be Waiting Guest

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  18. morrow

    morrow Visitor

    Ever tried looking for a video of a woman moaning about her divorce?

    Not easy.. that's cos men cant move on! Lol

    When does a man moan a lot?
    After the Divorce! :D
  19. StellarCoon

    StellarCoon Dr. Professor

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  20. Meliai

    Meliai Members

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    Be civil and make it clear you want to split your assets as fairly and as evenly as possible without getting into a drawn out legal battle

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