Hello everyone, I am in the middle of a divorce, and it's been a really difficult time for me sexually. One of the reasons for the divorce is that my wife really was never available sexually. That was a big change from when we were dating. I don't understand why there's a change when people get married, but I was definitely a victim of that in this case. Anyhow, it's been like 10 months since I've had sex, and it's driving me insane. I am trying to be a good guy and just suffer through it until the divorce is final, but a part of me always wants to find a FWB and just sext away, even though I don't think that will help at all. I don't know. Maybe it will. I'm definitely not looking for anything permanent. But this feeling of isolation is tough. Anyone else been there? Advice? -C
In a Females case I call them M.O.M (move on man) I think you should get back out there. Allow yourself to heal. Everyone needs somebody, even if its just texting.
I'm waiting because I don't want to have to pay any more money. It's already cost me more than it should have. Alimony for a 2.5 year marriage when she gave up nothing??? REALLY? Divorce isn't cheap.
Well I'm sorry to hear you're going through such a ruff divorce. I hope it gets better and you find happiness again.
newbie-one, if I ever do it again...pre-nup. I can't believe that someone would be so evil. I believe that you should earn your way in this world, not take advantage of people.
Aerianne, I slept on a buddy's couch for 5.5 months until I reached an agreement. My lawyer called it "go-away money". I had to do it because she threw herself down the stairs, so my lawyer said I could never be alone with her again. She also faked a suicide attempt. Some people are evil.
Watch some live sex webcam sites on your own time. Chat with some nice ladies. That should fix you up until the divorce is final.
I waited a year after we were separated before. I even considered dating. I wasn't ready prior to that. I have been enjoying my new found single status...maybe a little too much. . You have to do what you feel is best for you.
I'm tempted to do that, but in contrast to Icfan, I was married for 34 years. Too many shags to recall.