In my lifetime, I've never seen this country quite so divided. It's as bad as during the Civil War when it was brother against brother. I've thought about Kellyanne and George Conway and how they are on completely opposite sides. And I've wondered if my wife of 47 years and I were like them, would I stay married? I've discarded any, and all, friends who are on the other side. I even disassociated with my military association because of differences. I, honestly, think that if my wife were as different from me as Kellyanne and George are different, then I would ask for a divorce. Regardless of which side you're on, would you leave your spouse or significant other if they were on the other side? If the president is reelected, one side is going to be even more adverse. If he's not elected I truly believe there will be an armed civil war.
There's already a civil war, with Libertarians having gerrymandered the system to death and shredding the constitution, only to now complain about their own legislation. If they were any more incompetent, they would have shot each other already, which is the Libertarian solution to their own Three Stooges slapstick. The republican party no longer exists, get over it already! You can't have a conservative party that doesn't defend the rule of law! Donald Duck is not God's personal messenger sent to prepare the way for Jesus. If you don't want a government, be prepared to have your head blown off. The pentagon would like to take a moment to thank our glorious leader for directing the hurricane away from Georgia and into Alabama, and for redirecting all their funding towards much more worthwhile endeavors. Thankfully, the pentagon has already prepared ahead in advance, and has the power to round up the idiots like so many cattle if need be. It would make for a great reality TV show. Americans like to believe they are badass, because admitting how stupid and gullible they are is never an option. How stupid and gullible are they? Stupid enough that emergency rooms have been reporting conservatives are imploding from the stress. Get a grip assholes, life isn't all about you. Watching Fox News causes dementia.
I'm an atheist. I've never believed that Jesus was Christ and I don't believe in a God of any kind. But I'm a better Christian than Donald Trump!
Donald Duck is the asshole Christian America deserves. They've been lying to themselves for so long, their population is imploding altogether and the younger generation has abandoned fundamentalist services. By who you hate, by this are you truly known, and Jesus would be ashamed.
During the Civil War there were 31,000,000 million americans at each other’s throats, today there are 329,000,000 million - you do the math.
I did just do the math 600,000 or so soldiers dead, how ever many wounded in the Civil War 2019, number of dead from whinging on the internet: 0
Wood Chippers are great for mulch. The pentagon can now squeeze roughly 40,000 drones on a single semi-truck. The insane idiots will either figure out Donald Duck is no substitute for a functional government, or be rounded up like cattle. I imagine they would try to use nonlethal weapons first, like lasers that just blind you for a few hours. Its what the military calls an "attention getter". Wake up motherfuckers, either you accept the rule of law or the law's coming after you.
IF you get out with a large crowd of people. Ya find this divide crap is imaginary and all in the media..
Meh. I have plenty of right wing pals who think Trump is dandy. The majority of people who I disagree with are good people, and I don't have time for this new civil war meme.
Yeah I dunno I have friends and family who make me roll my eyes sometimes when they're obnoxious about their beliefs. And I'm sure they roll their eyes at me sometimes. But that's the extent of it really. I wouldnt cut them out of my life. I definitely dont think anyone is going to take time away from arguing on the internet in order to fight a civil war lolz
The entire international community is censoring Donald Duck, refusing to talk to the man without a reason to do so, while half the US isn't talking to the other half anymore. There is no point talking to complete idiots who wouldn't know the meaning of honesty if you gave them a dictionary. By any standard whatsoever, Donald Duck is unfit for office and the biggest national security problem we have right now. You can bet your ass the half of the country that sees what he's done as unacceptable will not forget that conservatives abandoned the rule of law at the first opportunity to defend a complete incompetent. Give me a fucking break, defending Donald Duck is total insanity, and there is a reason Fox News has turned against their own president. When even Fox News can't stomach your crap you know you are in it up to your neck.
I do believe the country was pretty divided around 1970 or so. On May 1, 1500 students wrecked a ROTC building at the University of Maryland. On May 2, students burnt down the ROTC building at Kent State, on May 4, 14 students were shot by the National Guard and 4 died. This led to the closing of 450 colleges and universities across the nation and protests by over 4 million students. On May 8, another 250,000 students protested burning down or bombing 30 ROTC buildings. And that's just 1 week. The National Guard was called out in 16 states. If I recall correctly machine guns were installed on the roof of the White House. People are apathetic today. What Nixon did pales compared to Trump is doing. Why don't I see student protests against him? Then: Now:
Young people have a lot of things to worry about, which is maybe why you're not seeing Trump-centric protests
One in five Americans insists the sun revolves around the earth, and it is illegal to vote for Mickey Mouse, which is why I prefer to think of them as divided. Divided we stand, divided we fall, but its not as far to fall if you are already in the gutter. If Donald Duck represents the highest standards of conservatives today professional wrestling has much more to offer them.