Diversity contributes to mission success?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Sig, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    I hate people like Wright, and I hate that they rise so high in our defense structures. This is what we get, though, for having civilian leadership; those who are tokens and unoffensive are tapped for positions like these, while those who have real world experience are passed up because civilians just don't get it. She served her entire military career in the fucking National Guard and has zero clue what it is like to be at the dirty, pointy end of things. Yet she claims to know just what takes for our military to be able to perform its mission, which makes me wonder if she even knows what that mission is.

    Fairness and inclusion, in the sense she means, have no place in our modern military or modern war. Training, hard, brutal and realistic, guarantees we will continue to be successful at closing with and destroying our enemies. Discipline, hard and uncompromising, is what is required. Diversity and inclusion promotes an individualist mindset, which comes at the expense of unit cohesion and morale. It makes soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines, think themselves above or apart from their unit. It makes them feel different, it makes them feel special. In combat, that mindset gets people killed. These are concepts I am not surprised Wright doesn't understand. As I said before, she spent her entire time in the Guard and never really got her hands dirty. Not her fault though, I suppose. She is a female and females are barred from direct combat positions (and rightly so). She should understand that though and realize she is entirely out of her depth here.

  2. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Actually I think the policy has changed recently. I think females can be in direct combat now.
  3. LornaDoom

    LornaDoom Senior Member

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    What really is the mission of the American military? Seems to me that they should just be protecting our own land. But somehow, someway Americans go to other lands and kill people in the name of Democracy or to establish it..not only do young men die for America, people die all over the world because of the bullets we shoot. Why cant the world just get along? we are all humans, same makeup, just different skin colors and languages..really makes no sense
  4. odonII

    odonII O

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  5. Sig

    Sig Senior Member

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    Females are still barred from serving in the infantry, tanks, and so on. Branches have the option of keeping that restriction if they can prove women are incapable of performing tasks in these units. Now, whether the the branches will be allowed to present such evidence is another question. Progress for the sake of progress....

    She spent the entirety of it in the National Guard, never once seeing service in active, front line, combat units. She is woefully out of touch with what it takes to actually fight in a war, let alone win one. She is a token, promoted to and holding positions simply because she isn't offensive. This is what civilian leadership gets us.

    Sheep, sheep dogs, and wolves....

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