Discordianism and the birth of the Illuminati

Discussion in 'Conspiracy' started by ZenKarma, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Well here is an interesting read:

    Who are the Illuminati and what do they control?

    Having been fascinated with the Illuminati since the 1970s upon reading the 'Trilogy' by Robert Anton Wilson. Wilson was a writer at Playboy who claims to have dreamed the shole thing up himself. But tales of the Illuminati go back hundreds of years, or more.

    ~ The Week UK

    Modern day Illuminati seems to be based partly on LSD, and a book called the Principia Discordia, written in the 1960's.

    ~ Wikipedia

    This was when Robert Anton Wilson came into the picture. He wanted to bring chaos back into society by "...disseminating misinformation through all portals – through counter culture, through the mainstream media..." As he was working for Playboy magazine at the time, he would send fake letters extolling the extent of the secret society and claiming such events as the Kennedy assassination were in fact carried out by the Illuminati organization.

    And thus conspiracies about "The New World Order" thrived until the 1990s when the birth of the Internet gave new life to the conspiracy hounds.

    And now the respected (?) Canadian former defence minister, Paul Hellyer, has stated that not only is the Illuminati real, they do indeed control the world.

    Which all leads to the question, are Beyone and JayZ the King and Queen of the world? Is 'Sasha Fierce' (Beyonce's stage persona/alter-ego) a demonic entity?

    So many questions, so few answers... and the beat goes on...
    lion1978 and mysticblu21 like this.
  2. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Robert Anton Wilson was a Sub Genius member know as Pope Bob.

  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    And then there are the Lizard People. Denver seems to be a hub for them, at the airport. Saw some interesting signs walking through the place a few weeks ago about the Illuminati, Lizard People and so-called construction work.

    The dedication stone for the airport in Denver, as seen in a photo.

    What is the New World Airport Commission??? One thought is that the conspirators have been building an Armageddon bunker under the runways. Probably a better place for that IMHO...

    ~ The Guardian
    mysticblu21 likes this.
  4. hotwater

    hotwater Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Jesse Ventura highlighted Denver Airport on his tv show Conspiracy Theory

  5. Pressed_Rat

    Pressed_Rat Do you even lift, bruh?

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    Robert Anton Wilson was a CIA shill.
  6. Seriously, though, what is the New World Airport Commission?

    Is it just some thing where the dedication stone is no big deal and they just invited some local chapter of the Masons to do it, so they came up with a name for themselves? Or isn't that how things work...? I don't know. It certainly suggests there is something important called the New World Airport Commission, though.
  7. Dax

    Dax Members

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  8. Mikeil13

    Mikeil13 Members

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    This whole thing is an illusion,all manufactured throughout the span of life Story’s from our creation by a higher power were not even a species just tied to a reacuring dream! A universe so expanced and we’re it??? highly doubt that a game on a board more like it!
    ZenKarma likes this.
  9. lion1978

    lion1978 The King

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    Just for the sake of information about the illuminati, as @~Zen~ wrote it originated in bavaria, the mission for the illuminati was to educate those of lesser means aka the poor, and make education more easily accessable to the masses, back in the days most books and education was done in latin and the people who were not born wealthy had no way of becomming educated, the founders of the illuminati and those who joined it belived this to be wrong and that knowledge should be for everyone, as you can probably imagine they had to be a secret society because they were disliked by the church authorities (who basically had a monopoly on education back then) and naturally the rules of europe who were backed by and often highly financially dependent on the church.

    It is also true that their organisation was based on that of the freemasons, though that is all the two organisations has in common, another heavy influence for the illuminati was the Rosencreutz order.
    In order to achive their goal the Illuminati sought out powerfull positions amongst the governments and royal courts of europe, growing in power and in numbers they ahived great things for knowledge to become more widespread, they ofcourse also helped their fellow members out in achiving power positions, thereby also helping their couse.
    Members of the Illuminati is also belived to have had their tryings with alchemy, which might also contribute to their popularity, couse who doesn't want to learn how to make gold from thin air, ultimatley it was their popularity that became their undoing, as the members was snitched out by people infiltrating their ranks and selling the members names to the "holy" church.

    Though many still belive that the Illuminaty is pressent in the us and controld the us government, it is highly unlikely, there has ever only been one member of the Illuminati who was from america and who traveled back to america, where he founded his own secret society which is still in existence and is named skull and bones.
    themnax and Bilby like this.
  10. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    discordianism is an entirely seperate thing, from anything to do with illuminatti, freemasons or rosy crow.
    it is kind of a joke religion, like the flying spagetti monster, created, i don't know when or by whom, thought it has obvious greek pretentions.
    eris the goddess of discord and her silver apples. knew a "fallower" (/promoter?) of the concept once upon the time,
    he also had a bunch of posters on his walls of a graphic of some unber mundane looking male face smoking a pipe, named bob somebody,
    badgamint buttons proclaiming campus cresade for cthulu, et al.
    there is/was a book published, never had it myself, but there is a reference book by and about some sort of discordian foundation, if anyone is curious.

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