has this game ever been ported to any new formats from the dreamcast console? was hoping to use an emulater and download it but there was one downloader and it was a split file download which is usually no big deal, just extract the first archive and the rest unpack themselves. however this just didnt work uusing any of the tricks ive learned over the years. would love play it again. if your unfamiliar its the same as resident evil code veronica but with escaped dinosaurs instead of zombies and a technical laboratory style scenario, same kind of item gathering and code entering etc. wondered if it was same engine type thing it was so similar and was a capcom release so possibly shared some elements.
There is a Microsoft windows version of the game. Will probably be easier to get an older PC game working on a new PC then mess with an emulator. http://www.amazon.com/Dino-Crisis-PC/dp/B0000524PS