Digital Universe?

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by inthydreams911, Jan 18, 2009.

  1. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    Yeah einstein was shocked at that and wouldn't believe it was true for the longest time

    virtual particles are insanely strange and counterintuitive as well
  2. inthydreams911

    inthydreams911 Senior Member

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    if all particles were entangled at the moment of the big bang, it means were all still connected, and for ever action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

    oneness and the butterfly effect explained by science?!?!

    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    Well not exactly, it has yet to be proven of course.
    But either way, anyone who doesnt realize that we are all one thing is just dumb. First, there was nothing, and in an instant, there was everything. We came from one moment, we are one existence, and we are all composed of the same material. It's really quite simple, I dont know how people havent figured it out, you dont even need drugs to realize this fact of nature lol.
  4. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    "But how can i be you? You vote republican!"

    typical reasoning from teh brahs and fem-brahs in the world
  5. burnabowl

    burnabowl Dancing Tree

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    good stuff. what does digital really mean? of or relating to digits? we are digital entities in the sense that our genetic makeup is what it is, not because of a different organic makeup, but a different mathematical code. i'm the same stuff as you, just arranged differently. i'm the same stuff as the tree outside, only we came about because of different math. it seems like every thing has a math formula underlying it, giving it its identity. it's the old essence, form thought- we are ink written on a scroll. the essence is the same for all, what's different is how we are crafted on the page, just arranged differently. what is the ink? organic, digital? idk...analytical attempts only fill up the scroll with more writing.
  6. inthydreams911

    inthydreams911 Senior Member

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    im saying digital in a sense of 1s and 0s. millions of reality cells distorted(1) or undistorted(0). like a brain processes electrical pulses that are sent and receieved through different receptors, pulses flicker like 1s and 0s on a computer, and make a sequence that tells our brain how to act. the universe could be something like this, energy running in sequences creating the illusion of different reality, like one gigantic computer!

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