Digging Up Dirt On America's Anti-Gay Government Of The Past

Discussion in 'Politics' started by neoprene_queen, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    Not sure if this falls under politics or news, but a Reagan-appointed judge, urged on by a Republican lobbyist, as ordered a probe into records that prove the government was stripping people of both their clearance and jobs for something as arbitrary as what it called "sexual deviance" and "immorality."

    A lot of people are arguing the merit of an investigation into something that took place in the 50's (though was only officially discontinued 19 years ago) but Trump's attempt at banning transgendered folks from the military makes this relevant. Plus, freedom of information. We the people deserve to know all the truths.

    Anyway, further proof that the Republican Party is starting to purge itself of social conservatism.
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  2. psymon*

    psymon* shadilay

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    I'm not sure if Trump hates transexuals or not.

    My guess is that the only reason he proposed this ban, is just to stop lobbyists from providing complementary gender reassignment surgeries in the military at the expense of the tax payer.
  3. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    it is more than likely yet another diversionary tactic to take the focus off of the investigations into him, his ties to Russia and the crimes he has/is committing.
    Just like a magician, distraction so you pull off the trick...

    whatever, those investigating him aren't as easily duped and distracted as the general populous.

    and still he hasn't divulged his tax info....why?
    what is he hiding if he is such an outstanding American icon?
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  4. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    He's not as rich as he claims. To admit this would bruise his ego and wreck his credibility as successful businessman. Which was also his qualifications for office. He has such an ego if he had money he would have tweeted about it months ago.

    "Released tax returns today. Doing very well. Fake news ignores again. Sad"
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  5. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    why are you trying to engage me in conversation?
    please do not for the foreseeable future.

    i considered a reply but it would most likely be met with more drama.
    suffice it to say I see issues with your interpretation and perspective of reality and in the interest of remaining civil, I have chosen to limit my conversation regarding you.

    thank you.
  6. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Is it at all possible that Trump is trying to save the minority status transgender people from the being on the front lines? Protecting and preventing them from being killed. This is a distinct possibility.

    If one was killed it would cause a huge public outcry for the supposedly needless killing of minorities, with complete disregard for the majority since there are plenty of them. My prime minister on the other hand wants them all killed and is encouraging them to join the front lines and be killed.
  7. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    So you're saying Trump values the lives of transgendered people more? So much so that he's protecting them from themselves?
  8. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    are fucking serious????!!!

    go back to bitching about Trudeau....LOL
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  9. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Trump is protecting tax payers from astronomical medical bills as well as further criticism from the public when a minority transgender is killed in the line of action. Not protecting them from themselves. This has nothing to do with someone being anti gay.

    Trudeau on the other hand is trying to kill them all off by accepting transgender in the military, encouraging them, with special priviledge s and benefits, putting them on the front lines and not protecting them from the atrocities of war. Not to mention giving them sex changes at the expense of tax payers, but maybe they will die before the surgery is done. and he calls himself a feminist.

    See Nox, true to form I am bitching about Trudeau.
  10. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    what a load of horseshit logic.

    "protecting them from themselves".....LOL
  11. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    I never said protecting them from themselves, neoprene queen did. I said no, not protecting. We are in agreement regarding protecting. It is not the intent.
  12. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    LOL, more bullshit, the implication that they "need protecting" because of their sexual preference/orientation was in your post and is exactly what you meant.
    Ok, after re-reading it, I see what you said...
    BUT you diatribe about Trudeau belies the same thought as you say he is trying get rid of them by allowing them to be on the front lines, etc.

    so do tell, why do you believe they need protecting from themselves because of being transgender?
    are they less capable to perform the duties required and all that hoopla?

    oh, and Trump isn't protecting taxpayers...LOL, he doesn't give two shits about 98% of the population unless you can afford to stay in one of his hotels
    As I said before, it is all smoke and mirrors to deflect attention away from his criminal activities.

    you gonna have to try harder than that, nox ain't no dumbass ;)
  13. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    So is Trump protecting tax payers from paying for gender reassignment surgery or is he protecting transgenders from dying in combat? I'm confused. Your whole argument changed in the course of one post and I cannot follow.
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  14. psymon*

    psymon* shadilay

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    Can it be both?

    Why do so many people wanna make the military an all inclusive safe space? Lady GaGa said in a tweet herself "45% of transgenders aged 18-25 have already attempted suicide at least once in their lives." And you all think these people are mentally capable of handling the military? You all trust these people with guns? Miss Gaga argues a case for the tranny banny.
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  15. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    Lets burn churches, break shit & smash cunts.
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  16. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    The government is preventing more riots by groups and protecting themselves should just one die.
    They are protecting the people in general from these riots. Not just specific groups. He is also protecting tax payers money. This is not protecting them from themselves. Sorry I was not clear in my meaning.

    When a group is targeted for recruitment like in canada exceptions are made because of quotas. Have you ever worked with an unqualified person of minority who was hired? I have lots of times. Not saying they were bad people but it made my job harder instead of easier. One that I personally know of stole over 100 thousand from the company. The same thing will happen in Canada with the military, unqualified people will enter the military and will use it for surgery or just for an easy ride, use as a crutch like Chelsea did IF arrested and convicted.

    As psymon said, 48 % attempt or commit suicide between the ages of 18-25, so let's specifically target this group to join and put a gun in their hand so they can do the job. Not saying all will but that is a high percent with mental issues.

    How many different barracks will be required and different washrooms?

    Also one must consider that current Trudeau s father crippled the Canadian military, is the son looking to further cripple it? Americas are continents, not a country. The United States of America is a country. America is not.

    Semantics yes, but brining up Canada , since it is in North America makes me on topic.
  17. jpdonleavy

    jpdonleavy Members

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    Roughly 10% of the cost of supplying Viagra to the trips to keep their peckers up.

    I propose we cut Viagra prescriptions by roughly 10% to make both the provision of Viagra and the provision of reassignment activities revenue neutral
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  18. jpdonleavy

    jpdonleavy Members

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    Well, they could be nurses and admin clerks and Stateside supply clerks
  19. Beach Ball Lady Balls

    Beach Ball Lady Balls Banned

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    Wouldn't that be creating preferential treatment for positions? I do not care if someone is male or female but the best person for a position is something I believe in, regardless of gender. Your gender does not play a role in qualifications, your ethnicity does not play a role either, but to hold positions for specific individuals is not necessarily selecting the best person for a position.

    As a soldier you are a soldier and your gender is a non issue.

    To ask these questions is to discriminate against someone and sex reassignment surgery in the military should not be covered IMO.
  20. NoxiousGas

    NoxiousGas Old Fart

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    naive, stereotyped assumptions is all you got here

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